“November, be off with you!”

Not the easiest of months for all concerned, families in particular of course. Credit to everyone for keeping it going and, all being well, there will be no more major interruptions for our class. We’re now just facing forward and concentrating on happier times in December and beyond. Despite being, at times, ravaged and depleted by various illnesses we’ve still got quite a bit to report!

We mentioned in October that we had been trying something different in class on certain days which allowed us more responsibility and choice. We’ve been doing more of that and Mrs McBride came in to see us at work, for an hour or so, the other day – she was very impressed with us all and the ways in which we were working. We’re continuing to work on punctuation and connectives in writing as well as improving our descriptive language. We’ve now moved on to summarising as a focus for reading, having spent some time on clarifying. In Maths we managed fractions (even did that outside – pics) and area and perimeter – a bit of number work and grid references are in the pipeline. It’s been a busy time in R.E. also with All Saints and All Souls at the start of the month – it was nice to go up to the church for All Saints Mass. Canon Eddie also came in last week and led a service for us to commemorate the faithful departed. Catholic Education Week started on the 16th November with the feast of St Margaret and finishes today on the feast of St Andrew. The Theme this year is ‘celebrating and worshipping’ and we’ve been trying to marry the Liturgical Calendar to the School Calendar.

Plenty of other fun has come our way in the form of Wellbeing month – football, tennis, netball and even ultra-running with Ricky Saez! (pics). We made some powerpoints on COP26 and for UN Children’s Day and went on a ‘round the perimeter of the school’ litter pick (pics). We also took part in Book Week and celebrated Diwali – we even saw some real Rangoli patterns (pics).

So all in all, not bad for THIS November. December’s shaping up as a busy one, but there’s a big present at the end!

Be in touch before Christmas

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