The big news since last time has to be our P4 folk making their First Holy Communion. The weather behaved and a great day was had by all. Well done to ‘The Sacramental Seven’ for all their hard work in their preparation and practising – well worth it in the end. Another well done to the rest of the class who helped support throughout. A thank you must go to Canon Eddie too for all his input to the day itself, the lovely retreat and all his visits throughout the year. We’ve also all been up to the church for Ascension Thursday and, of course, Eid has been celebrated by Rayan and Omar.
In other news we signed up to a couple of online lessons. The one on Biodiversity was interesting, especially the part about the wolves. We used the Earth Day lesson to further our knowledge on ‘Plastic Pollution’ and investigate the different (many) endangered species in our world. On that note it was our turn to Litter Pick for the week (we even went outside the school perimeter) – we did really well which was good for us in one respect but on the other hand it was pretty bad to have all that litter to pick up in the first place.
In terms of other lessons, in Maths we spent quite a bit of time on all things Time, about time Mr Burns said (yawn). We’ve now moved on to decimals, having talked about fractions again, which is new to most of us but we’re understanding what’s going on. In writing we did a couple of recounts, our own fairy tale story which was fun and a couple of informal letters, one to Our Lady and another one to ……………..We’ve also done another ‘Code Along’ where we made a ‘Beat the Goalie’ game. We’ve also started a class novel which is a nice thing to do together –‘Adolphus Tips’. This feeds into finding out a bit more about WWII and evacuees in particular.
We’ve been outside a bit, building cairns, investigating floating and sinking, learning about squatters’ rights through someone else’s den and having a ride on a log flume. The usual sort of stuff. During P.E. we’ve been focusing on striking and fielding through rounders and we had a Skipathon too which was a good laugh.
That’s about it for now – oh nearly forgot, the St Cadoc’s Cup has started again, it’s good to be in Mr Burns’ class for that one as he runs it!
Speak at the end of June when we’ll be all yours for the next 7 weeks! Lucky parents.