Class of 2025c

—PRIMARY 3C—-MONTHLY BLOG—-East Renfrewshire site

June 4, 2021
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow


Primary 3c have had a great month of May! We are super excited to share all the things we have enjoyed learning about. Check it out below!


We have written poems and imaginative pieces this month. The imaginative story writing is a favourite of P3c! We were allowed to write our own story about anything we wanted. Normally Miss Hillhouse would give us a planning page with ideas on it, but this week she didn’t, we had to do it all by ourselves. Some of us loved this, some found it very tricky, but we enjoy challenging ourselves and trying new things. When Miss Hillhouse was isolating we wrote a story called ‘Miss Hillhouse’s Day off’ about where we thought she really was. Some stories had her on the moon, on the beach, in some she was a spy, a cowgirl and an alien!

“I liked doing our imaginative stories, when we got to write our own story. I liked it because I found it fun and it isn’t the same as we usually do. My story was about cute bunnies.” Luca

“I enjoyed doing our imaginative story because I enjoyed it so such. Mine was about superheros saving the day! I found it easy to come up with my own ideas.” Daniel

“I liked my imaginative writing because you get to write about your own things but normally we write about an idea Miss Hillhoues gives us, but we had to come up with our own. I wrote about a magic fox.” Isabelle

“I’ve been doing very well in my writing. I also enjoyed sports day because I did very well in all the activities.” Nico

“Usually we don’t get to write about somebody in our class, but this time we did so we know lots about them already. I think it was really fun to write about Miss Hillhoues in different places and costumes. In my story she went to space!” Zac

“I liked using my imagination, my story was about a girl who lived in the jungle. I had to include punctuation and paragraphs.” Sarah A


Our class novel study is Fantastic Mr Fox, which we have been loving. We like the characters of Bean, Bunce and Boggis and the small foxes too! Each week we answer comprehension questions about the chapters, some of which are challenging. This month we have learned about cliff hangers and foreshadowing and how authors like Roald Dahl use these techniques in their writing. We have also been reading Matilda before lunch time or at the end of the day. We really like this story because the teachers and pupils are mad and crazy, reading this causes a lot of giggles as she’s a very mischievous little girl! We can’t imagine some of these things happening at St Cadoc’s!

“I liked reading Matilda because it is peaceful and relaxes my mind. It is actually funny because I don’t laugh that much but it makes me laugh.” Asher

“I liked reading Matilda because its a full class story and my favourite part was when the newt was in the water. It was funny when Miss Truntchable poured it all over herself!” Andrew

“I like mindfulness because we get a choice of what we want to do. It is relaxing, when I’m doing it I feel great!” Niamh

“I like learning about Fantastic Mr Fox it’s because in the workbooks and in the books its funny, and in the workbooks i like the activities.” Veer

“I like the word-search. The word-search was to do with Mr Fox, the words could be diagonal or vertical or horizontal. Some of the words were even going backwards which made it more hard.” Adam


We have been learning about multiplication, the pupils have very enthusiastically been revising their 2,3,4,5 and 6 times tables each week for a challenge on Fridays! We have also been learning about time, looking at 5 minutes and one minute intervals, and data analysis- learning to use tally mark and draw bar charts.

“I’ve really enjoyed Tally Marks, in the maths jotters its been fun. I’ve liked doing the class votes.” Kazeem

“I’ve enjoyed doing maths because its fun and we do tally marks. I found it alright.” Nathan


“I enjoyed learning about the Welly-boot art because it is fun. I liked using the paint.” Harry

“I liked painting it and I liked the flowers the most because they looked so pretty.” Thomas

“I liked to do the Welly-boot art because we got to paint our own flowers and make tulips and poppies and lots of other ones.” Rayyan

“The Welly-boot art was fun because it was something different to do. I used sequence on mine.” Martin

“I loved the Mary art. I liked it because we had a lot of time to do it, we didn’t just have one day so I could take my time and make it better. My work went on the wall.” Maria

“I tried my best to fill in all the write spaces for my Mary art, I added all different kinds of things like butterflies, bunny rabbits and grass and it was so much fun. I was happy when mine went on the wall in the class.” Hrishika

“I enjoyed Toy Story during golden time. I never miss my golden time by doing my work, listen to Miss Hillhouse, being kind to people. I like Toy Story because it is creative.” Lola


April 29, 2021
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow


I hope you all had a lovely Easter break! Primary 3c can’t wait to share a little bit about what we have been learning recently!


We have been taking part in music lessons with Mrs Duggie via Teams. We tune in every second Tuesday and enjoy learning about music, rhythm, beats and instruments. Starting next week she will be able to visit our classroom to teach us! We are so excited to see her and begin face to face lessons again.

Reading- Fantastic Mr Fox

This term we will be studying a class novel. This book is ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roalh Dahl. We will answer comprehension questions about our novel in class and have some tasks to do at home too. Please don’t read ahead, and if you have already read the story no spoilers please! 🙂

‘There are three farmers called Boggis, Bunce and Bean. I think one is fat, one is small and one is tall.’ Thomas

‘There is a fox called Mr Fox. He steals food from the farmers every night, and he could avoid them with the wind in his face because he could smell them. I think I might really enjoy this book.’ Sarah A

‘I love learning and reading about Fantastic Mr Fox because it makes me fantastic and I love reading.’ Hrishika

Standardised Tests

Pupils have now sat and completed their Standardised Tests. I am very proud of Primary 3c, they didn’t stress it and were actually very excited to show off how much we have been learning in class! The results of these will be printed in your child’s report card in June.

‘I enjoyed doing my tests because I can show off my skills. I think I did a good job.’ Nico

‘I felt a bit happy because it was my first big test. Some of the questions were a bit tricky but I got them in the end I think.’ Adam

‘I felt happy because it was my first big test and Mr Fogg came in to give us our tests. It was nice to have him in because he was really funny, he made us feel excited.’ Zac

‘I enjoyed doing it, I was a bit nervous and I tried my best.’ Veer

‘It was fun because it was a bit different from our normal work.’ Martin

Class Presentations

The children’s Egyptians presentations were incredible! I can see a lot of hard work and effort has gone into them and I am blown away! We had a super mixture of posters, models and power-points. We loved sharing them with each other!

‘I really liked it when I got to show off my Egyptian picture that I made at home.’ Kazeem

‘I felt nervous about sharing my presentation with the class because I wasn’t sure I was going to get it right. But in the end I did sooooo good!’ Niamh

‘I felt happy to tell the class about my presentation and the funniest bit was when I played the Horrible Histories clip!’ Rayyan


‘I like writing because it makes me happy. I liked the door story because it was imaginative and I liked drawing my door’ Lola

‘I like using my imagination to write. I like all the writing, writing is my favourite subject.’ Maria

‘I love doing the door story because it was fun and I loved drawing my door. Behind my door was a valley of a sunset. It was very beautiful and amazing. It was so much fun doing my door story.’ Luca

‘I liked the door writing because it was fun and I liked my picture that i drew. Behind my door was Doritos-land! I liked it because it was quite creative and I liked using my imagination.’ Harry


‘I liked learning about the Egyptians. When we draw a picture of a pharaoh it was good drawing and good painting.’ Nathan

‘I liked doing the pharaoh art because Egyptians is my favourite history topic and because i put all my effort into it.’ Andrew

”We used some gold/brown paper, yellow paint and blue paint. We drew the pharaoh in pencil and used the whiteboard pens to go around it, so it is more eye catching.’ Isabelle

‘Egyptian art has been a good art for me, because it is a bit cool and the paints are really colourful. Everything on Egyptian I enjoyed like the Gods.’ Daniel

‘I’ve enjoyed doing the pharaoh art because its been fun and we got to paint and we don’t always use the paints.’ Sarah H

March 29, 2021
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow


It has been delightful being back in the classroom again! We have been loving seeing our friends, exploring our classroom and enjoying lessons again!

‘I’ve enjoyed being back and seeing my friends and I’ve enjoyed being back and seeing my teacher. I’ve also enjoyed being back and doing my project and work and it’s really fun’ Luca

‘I like when we are doing art lessons. I’ve enjoyed drawing the Gods’ Nathan.

‘I loved making my rainbow for St Patrick’s Day. We had to get a paper plate, stick cotton wool balls on and colourful tissue paper. Mine went on the wall but some of the tissue fell off! Miss Hillhouse and I are going to fix it during golden time’ Thomas

‘I like being back and doing art. It is fun. My favourite bit was when we done the Pharaoh’s and the rainbows’. Harry.

‘I like doing the maths challenging booklets we’ve been doing and finishing them. I like learning more about maths’ Lola


We have been enjoying reading Matilda as a class, learning about the little girl genius and the crazy teachers at her school. We love Roald Dahl!

‘I like the story of Matilda because she is a very smart girl and she is my favourite character and she has super powers’ Hrishika.

‘I like Matilda’s Dad, Mr Wormwood, because he’s not clever, he’s dumb’ Veer

‘I’ve enjoyed listening to the story of Matilda. She’s my favourite character because she’s so smart and it’s like she has invisible arms coming out of her eyes sometimes’. Sarah H

‘The story Matilda, she can read big grown up books and Miss Honey doesn’t know at first, she thinks she’s just a new student, but then Matilda told Miss Honey about the things she does when her Mum goes to the bingo, her Dad goes to work and her brother goes to school. Then Miss Honey realises she’s a genius!’ Andrew


During the lock down we voted to learn about Ancient Egypt. We have been learning lots about this topic since returning to school, and even those who didn’t vote for it have been enjoying learning about the Pharaoh’s and Egyptian make up and clothing.

‘Well Egypt is my favourite topic right now. I’ve enjoyed learning about the Gods and Goddesses, well most of them are Gods. My favourite is Ra because he is the God of sun and I love the sun because I get to go to beaches’ Daniel.

‘Ra is my favourite God as well. At home I have been making a PowerPoint, its funny because there is loads of S’s in their names, Isis, Ra, Seth, Osiris. My brother Christopher and I typed up the 5 most important Gods for my research.’ Adam

‘I like challenging myself and it was challenging wiring my name in hieroglyphics’ Sarah A

‘I’ve enjoyed learning lots of facts about Egypt, it’s very interesting places and doing all these lessons is helping me learn about these interesting things’ Nico

‘I’ve enjoyed painting the Egyptian Pharaoh and my favourite thing learning about was the Gods. We drew them with pencil and painted them with yellow and blue paint. It was difficult and fun to work with a group’. Isabelle

‘Howard Carter was famous, he needed money to find the tomb, he didn’t give up. He started digging under another pharaohs tomb and then he found Tutankhamen’s tomb!’ Maria.

‘I like the Gods and Goddesses’ Rayyan


Within writing we have been focusing on paragraphs. We have written lots excellent of stories since coming back to school and often have two or three Star Writers each week because our writing is so awesome! Our Star Writers this week were Thomas, Maria and Veer! Our two most recent pieces of writing were writing a new ending to the book ‘The Dancing Tiger’ and ‘If I Found a Pot of Gold’ linked to Irish legends for St Patrick’s Day.

‘Paragraphs make our story easier to read and understand. I liked the Dancing Tiger writing. I liked the girl dancing with the tiger. ‘ Niamh

‘To me it’s kind of difficult, at the first I thought you had to just do a full stop, but now I know I’m not meant to. I need to miss a line’ Kazeem

‘If I found a pot of gold I would be delighted, I would jump for joy. I wrote that I would buy a butler, a Lamborghini and a mansion’ Martin

‘I wrote that the leprechaun was scared that someone was stealing the pot of gold from him. I was jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs. I was going to buy a mansion, a water slide and a Lamborghini.’ Zac


We worked so hard during the lock down! That was clear to see from the work we were uploading on Google Classroom, but we are working just as hard now we are back in the classroom. We love our class mates and our lessons and we have had so much fun this term. We can’t wait to be back after the Easter holiday for our last term in P3! Wow, times flies when you’re having fun!


Lots of love,

Miss Hillhouse and P3c

December 18, 2020
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow


Merry Christmas! December has flown by but we have had a lot of fun in P3c! I know I have said it before but thank you for all your kindness and support this term. I have loved working with P3c this later part of 2020 and am looking forward to welcoming them back in 2021 after a well deserved Christmas break. I hope you and your families have a happy, holy and safe Christmas and I will see you in the New Year.

I asked each of the pupils what they have enjoyed learning about in December and their answers are below 🙂

Isabelle- I have enjoyed our Grinch. We read the story and we watched a clip of the movie. Then we wrote a news article. I enjoyed it because we got to write about it and we got to draw a picture of the Grinch.
Adam- I liked the Grinch lesson, his heart grew I think it was three sizes. We watched a clip of the movie. We wrote an article about it then we drew a picture. I liked this because when I was younger I liked this movie.
Veer- I loved the pizza party! We got to watch a movie, we got to have pepsi maxx. We watched Mary Poppins Returns and it was decent. To get points for the dippers it was mostly for tidying up.
Andrew- The pizza party because in the movie they got to go in the bath with Mary Poppins and it was like the sea and I liked that part. They broke a pot and they went to a musical fair.
Lola- I’ve enjoyed jigsaw we got to write our goals. I liked getting to tell everyone our goals.
Thomas- We had pizza and the movie was quite good and I liked listening to it. I was there with my friend Harry.
Niamh- I like the elf, he gave us lolly’s! He looks so cute and he let us write letters for Santa too.
Zac- I’ve liked doing our letters to Santa because I’ve not written my letter yet and I don’t think I was going to and now I have.
Harry- I’ve got two stuff! The pantomime, it was really funny because a cow was dancing. And the pizza party, I liked the movie Mary Poppins Returns. Oh and also the Grinch story because I liked the movie it was funny.
Sarah A- I’ve enjoyed the pantomime, I’ve also enjoyed writing the pirates story. We wrote our very own pirate story and made up our own pirates. My pirate was called captain phoenix.
Nathan- I kind of like muddy movers. When you go outside and you work together with your team mate and you try and do a task and you do it outside and it’s a bit fun. Building the bridge was my favourite, iy was so fun you got sticks and used rocks to balance the sticks that was kind of fun.
Rayyan- Santa letter like for colouring in and drawing. Writing the addresses was something id not done before.
Maria- Panto. I liked it when the boy was really brave and went up the beanstalk to save his friend. I liked the songs.
Kazeem- I enjoyed doing the Grinch, writing the newspaper and I’ve also been enjoying people giving Christmas cards to me. I’ve liked giving presents to my teacher and my family.
Luca- I enjoyed the pizza party. And at the pizza party I got to try pepsi mass and I really liked pepsi maxx and we got two pieces of domino’s pizza and one of the funny bits was when Mary Poppins made a bath and then she put the people into it and they went into the ocean and they could breathe in the ocean without closing their mouths and they were singing a song. Also I’ve enjoyed Elvis being here, I really like him and I want him to do something cheeky!
Sarah H- Ive enjoyed the panto and mindfulnesses. I liked the panto because it was really funny and it made everybody laugh and at the end when Jack too the princesses tiara and she frownded and grabbed it off his head. And they added what we should do at the bottom of the video, like boo and clap along. I like the mindfulnessed as well because they have been very fun and I’ve done a lot with taking my time and I found it really fun. I like how much detail you have to add into them.
Nico- Newsround has been good getting information the things that are happening. I like knowing when something’s going to happen soon.
Asher- I have been enjoying learning about art because you get to draw fun stuff. For the Christmas cards I used the elf, Christmas tree and star and gingerbread man stickers.
Daniel- I liked the panto, I liked it because it was funny and it went like peppa pig! And I liked the songs and what I really loved was the start because it was funny.

Lots of love,

Miss Hillhouse and P3c


November 30, 2020
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow


Wow, Primary 3c can barely believe today is the final day of November! It has been a fun and busy month…

In Numeracy one of the things we have been learning about is measurement, such as Meters and Centimetres. We have loved working in groups using the meter sticks to measure different objects, such as the length of the classroom, the windows and doors and even each other! We have also been measuring our hand span, water bottles and books using rulers, measuring in centimetres. We all know that there are 100 cm in 1 m.

In our topic ‘Oceans and Seas’ we have been learning about Ocean creatures, such as squid, sharks, dolphins and plankton. We learned about Food Chains. We know the arrows in a food chain represent the transfer of energy. We also know that all food chains start with the sun. We have also learned about the Loch Ness Monster and then designed our own mythical creatures, some of them were very imaginative, albeit a little bit scary!

We have started our Science topic ‘The Senses’ learning about the bodies ability to taste, touch, look, hear and smell. We explored all our senses in the forest this week, but we have been focusing on the sense of taste.

Our rehearsals for the Nativity have been going well! Our soloists have been recorded and we will be dancing along to the rest of the songs. We are so excited but a little shocked at how quickly the time has passed! Many of us are ready for the film crew to come in, so keep rehearsing those lines at home please. (A letter was sent out regards costumes, please familiarise yourselves with this).

Miss Hillhouse had to self isolate during this month meaning we had a variety of teachers for 2 weeks, including Miss McKay, Miss Flaherty and Miss McKenzie. Everyone who worked with us thought we were the best and we made Miss Hillhouse super duper proud! We enjoyed seeing her online by watching the videos she sent to us each day. Some of us sent her videos too!

We are so so SOOOOOO excited to move into the month of December! Especially since Santa sent Miss Hillhouse a special letter saying he is sending a little elf to keep an eye on his favourite boys and girls in Primary 3c…

Miss Hillhouse and Primary 3c

October 29, 2020
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow


Happy Halloween!

The past few weeks have been filled with spooky Halloween activities! Primary 3c made wands in the forest using pipe cleaners, pompoms, tissue paper and of course leaves and sticks. Then we wrote magic spells and potions in our writing lessons. We couldn’t stop laughing at the crazy ingredients we put in our potions. Daniel put his grannies teeth in his! Nico included some Xbox dust. Harry stirred in the legs of a black widow spider. Luca poured in some sunshine. Andrew was out star writer with a huge list of WOW ingredients, a numbered list of directions and adjectives- great job Andrew!

We also learned about ‘The Pumpkin Story’ in RE. Did you know that followers of God are actually just like pumpkins?! God picks you from the patch, takes you into His home, washes all the dirt and scoops out the seeds of hate, doubts and greed, carves a big smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine to the world. P3c did an incredible job of helping scoop out the seeds and carve our pumpkin. It was very slimy inside!

We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in Numeracy, talking about shapes edges, corners and faces. We also learned how to play Sudoku. It was very tricky but we’re cleaver cookies and with some more practice we’ll be able to get the hang of it soon! We enjoy playing it from time to time in the outdoor classroom.

The pupils voted and said they would love to learn about Pirates, Mermaids and Mythical Sea Creatures as part of their oceans and seas topic. We love hearing their opinions and ideas, so we have included a bit of Pirates into our topic these past few weeks. We have learned the different roles Pirates had on the ships and some famous pirates like Black Beard and Anne Bonny, as well as Captain Hook and Jack Sparrow. Thank you Mrs Brennan for leading us through Orienteering! Primary 3c loved being outside, working in teams and using the maps to help us find the clues. We felt like we were pirates searching for treasure and had a great time! It was a little rainy but we are moving into our winter weather now and a lot of our lessons will still be outside, so feel free to send your child to school with jumpers/hoodies, joggies, warm leggings, wellies, full waterproofs and a spare pair of socks is a must!

The Christmas Nativity! We are unable to have parents come in and watch our show as we would in previous years, however we will not let that stop us! St Cadoc’s have organised a videographer to come in to professionally film the production and these will be available to you on DVD. Our show is called ‘Gabriel’s Big Break!’ Our class are super at drama and so already most pupils have auditioned! Watch this space…

Once again thank you Mums and Dads for all your support. It was lovely to speak with you all via phone calls last week. You have incredible children and I am very blessed to watch them grow and learn. We have been having lots of fun in P3 but we are also working very hard!

Miss Hillhouse and P3c


September 30, 2020
by gw17hillhousesarah@glow

Our first blog entry of the year! 

Primary 3c have been working extremely well since returning to school! Following on from the post I published on Google Classroom earlier this year, we are still working on sitting in our seats and adjusting to our new classroom dynamic, but overall I could not be prouder of how well the pupils have adapted to being back in school with the restrictions and the move away from play based learning. Well done Primary 3!

“My favourite part of P3 is muddy movers and outdoor learning because we have fun making stick houses, finding place we can have some time in and have fun with our friends.” Nathan

“My favourite part of P3 has been doing PE. I just think its fun doing PE in the MUGA and doing Miss Hillhouse’s races.” Kazeem

We are super at writing! We read a book called ‘Tiddler’ by Julia Donaldson about a little fish who made up stories about why he was late for school everyday. P3c then wrote their own stories explaining why they though Tiddler was late for school. We are very imaginative! We then made Tiddlers using pompoms and pipe cleaners. Also we acted out scenarios why Tiddler was late for school for drama in the outdoor classroom, some of our skits were very funny!

“I didn’t use that many pompoms, they were taking up too much space but I enjoyed sitting with my friends making Tiddler” Adam

“I enjoyed learning about all the new characters and new animals and also the drawing was fun” Luca

P3c also made Empire biscuits and they were delicious. We used digestive biscuits, jam, icing sugar and sweeties- yum yum! Pupils then wrote the recipe, listing the ingredients, equipment and method. We challenged ourselves to use imperative verbs too.

“I think I enjoyed putting the icing on and I enjoyed all of it, it was all fun!” Harry

“It was very yummy. When writing the recipe I had to think in my head and I’d like to do it again” Thomas

Rayyan was our star writer this week with an incredible recount of his September weekend!

“I felt amazed. My story was about the wedding, it had lots of adjectives.” Rayyan

Health and Wellbeing has naturally been a huge focus since the schools have reopened. St Cadoc’s have been using the programme ‘Jigsaw’ where our friend Jinx the Jigsaw piece provides us with questions and topics for thought and conversation. P3c also read the book ‘The Colour Monster’ where we learned about Colour Monster and his 6 different colours, each one representing a different emotion- happy, sad, angry, calm, fear, loved. Pupils also enjoyed watching Inside Out as a way to further discuss the different emotions everyone experiences.

“I enjoyed colour monster because it taught us the colours and it was fun reading it. I like Inside Out because it taught us some of the emotions, it was funny too. My favourite part was when Joy was making it worse because she was saying happy things when Sadness was feeling sad and she thought that Sad things were happy things” Isabelle

We have been partaking in mindfulness regularly, such as meditation time within the classroom and outdoor classroom, taking time to relax and focus on positive thoughts and positive conversations. We have been engaging in mindfulness drawing which the pupils have loved (such as drawing a dot or line on a piece of paper and then listening to music and seeing where the drawing takes us). Pupils have also been enjoying watching Newsround (this has been a huge hit!). This helps us discuss and understand world events in a positive and child friendly way, as well as further learn about the world we live in.

“Learning all the cool stuff has been good, like the animals. We learned about the baby pandas first birthday. It was quite cute.” Daniel

We are still reading our class novel ‘Wayside School is Falling Down’ not too many chapters left now but this story provided great conversations about class rules and behaviour in the classroom and playground.

“The book is pretty interesting because each chapter is totally different.” Nico

“”My favourite chapter was Mush. It was funny because no one wanted to eat the food, then one of the boys ate it and then kissed the teacher! It’s a silly story.” Maria

“Mush was the funniest one and its a great book” Andrew

“There were loads of teachers in Wayside School one of them was called Mrs Jewels and someone had a crush on her in her class. I liked that bit, it was SO funny!” Sarah H

We have also been loving our topic ‘Oceans and Seas’. We have learned some fun songs to help us remember the different continents and oceans. P3c are incredible singers! Pupils have also been enjoying their time in the forest. I have to pass on my thanks to all the parent volunteers helping us in the forest, it is not possible for us to participate in this form of outdoor learning without the help of our parents, so thank you! Parents evening will be via 10 minute phone calls this year, the dates for our class are the 21st and 22nd of October, times can be booked online. I look forward to speaking with you then, but as always if there is anything particular you wish to discuss please do not hesitate to send you child into school with a note or contact the office.

Miss Hillhouse and P3c

February 24, 2020
by User deactivated

A great few weeks of learning in P2c

Hi All,

We have been very busy in P2c. We have been learning the “ea” sound this week! We have been practicing this sound through our targets. We even had a team mock spelling test, it was great fun. Miss Lyons was very pleased with our team working skills.

Numeracy this week triangles have been practicing adding with missing numbers. We worked hard with the numicon to work out the problems. Miss Lyons was very impressed with our problem solving skills. The circles have been learning all about numbers to 100, we were counting two before and two after. Finally the rectangles have been working on column addition and subtraction. We are understanding the importance of place value and labelling tens and units.

This term we have been exploring our new topic Australia. We decided to do this topic because we had been watching the news and had seen the bushfires. We have been learning all about the animals that live in Australia. We particularly loved the Koala bears. We are now exploring climate change and how we can reduce our carbon footprint. We are going to investigate why the bushfires happened.

Muddy movers was VERY muddy this week. We all had a great time! We enjoy playing in the mud and racing through the river. We are always interested about the level of the riverbed.

Five children took part in the chess competition this week. They worked very hard to win a spot in the finals! We are all very proud of them.

Thanks for reading our blog!


Scottish Dancing!

February 4, 2020 by User deactivated | 0 comments

Hi All,

We have been very excited over the last month learning about Katie Morag. We really wanted to learn the Scottish dance she did at her Granny’s wedding. Miss Lyons helped us to research ceilidh dancing. We learned that the dance Katie Morag was doing is called Strip the Willow. First we had to pick a partner, we knew that boys and girls danced together. The girls then chose a boy to be their partner. We had so much fun learning Strip the Willow and it even helped with our counting beats to music! Please look at our pictures of Scottish dancing. We are now ready for any ceilidh.

In numeracy we have all been learning about money. We are now learning how to count coins up to £1. We will be starting to recognise how much things cost when we are out shopping! We have been learning the “y” sounds this week in literacy. We have also been focusing on verbs – we now know that a verb is a doing word. Ask us some examples of verbs!

Hope you all have had a lovely week.



January 17, 2020
by User deactivated

The best blog yet!

Hi everyone,

We have been very busy this week. At the beginning of the week we learned our new sound “wh”. We learned some new words like whispering!! We then got our new reading books, some of the words were very tricky. We had a four targets on Monday, we were very busy making sure we did them all. Then, we read our class story Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted. In the story Katie Morag had a new baby brother and she was jealous of all the attention the baby was getting. We discussed what jealousy was and time we have felt jealous. We then spoke about how to manage our emotions if we feel jealous.

This week we have been learning about mindfulness, on Monday and Wednesday we listened to calm music and thought about places that make us happy. In maths we have been learning about money. We had a competition to recognise coins and add them together to make £1. Team Stars won with 4 points!!! We also have been looking at our family trees, we drew these in our scrapbook. We might have came home to ask you about our Great Grandparents.

At the Forest this week we played Pooh Sticks, we discussed how to find the best stick. We didn’t want it to be to long or to thick because it might sink! We also discussed that we didn’t want it to be to small because it would take too long to pass under the bridge. We had great fun testing out our sticks before racing them.

Overall a great week, please look at the pictures of our adventures.





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