May has been a busy month for us!
We have continued to practise learning our times tables and playing lots of maths games. The pyramids have been learning about division and we can divide by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. They have also been learning how to find halves and quarters of shapes and numbers. They have also been learning how to make different types of graphs and charts. The Cuboids have been lots of work on times tables. They have also been learning about money and have been using new textbooks. The Cubes have been learning about money and how to give change. We have still been practising subtracting with exchanging.
In reading we have been answering different types of comprehension questions about our novel study Fantastic Mr Fox. We have learned how to do different types of reciprocal reading jobs such as predicting, summarising, visualising, questioning and clarifying. We finished reading The Witches and wrote our own stories about the characters. We also wrote a book review about it. We have been learning about similes and have been practising using them in our writing. We have also learned about irregular verbs and practising our joined handwriting.
We learned about Jesus’ disciples receiving Holy Spirit in the Pentecost story. We learned that May is the month of Mary. Some of us celebrated Eid and Ramadan!
In the forest we made new houses for Fantastic Mr Fox’s family with traps for the farmers. In Science, we have been learning about forces and have done some experiments using magnets. We learned that some metals are magnetic! We have also been learning about healthy foods and how to use medicines safely. We enjoyed participating in Sports Day, it was loads of fun!