This month, Primary 5b have been working hard on simplifying fractions and also converting fractions into decimals. We have continued to revise area and perimeter and practised converting time using 24 hour clock. To challenge ourselves, we have been working on more difficult word problems which involve a few mathematical operations before reaching the final answer.
In Literacy, we have been writing newspaper reports about the ‘Scottish Wars of Independence’ and the ‘Ascension’. Our last report was our own choice. Some of us chose to write about ‘Saving the Planet’, ‘An Alien Invasion’ and ‘Inventions’. We tried really hard to include eye witness accounts and ‘eye-catching’ headlines. During our Grammar lessons, we have worked on synonyms and antonyms. This has really helped to develop our vocabulary as we can now incorporate more interesting vocabulary into our story writing.
In Science, we have been learning all about ‘Energy’. We have linked this to RRS and this has helped us to focus on our planet. Some of us have already presented their own PowerPoints to the class. These have included information about ‘Sources of Energy’ and have really helped us to discuss ‘Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy’.
Well done to everyone for taking part in ‘Sports Day’! Although the weather was not great,we has a fantastic morning and completed all the activities. Congratulations to Ellis and Lucien for winning the competitive races. When we returned to school, we talked about ‘Inspirational People’ in the ‘World of Sport’, ‘Mother Teresa’ and ‘Nelson Mandela’.
In I.C.T, we have started to create our own Profiles. It’s just like having our own website! We look forward to sharing these with you and hope to add lots more information next month.
Enjoy the ‘Holiday Weekend’.