Well, the weather may not have been great, but we all have had a glorious month of May in Primary 6C!
We began reading our novel, Wonder, and have enjoyed getting to know the characters in the story. We have created our own precepts (mottos), designed Halloween costumes and created our own Family Solar System. (Where everything revolves around us… sound about right??)
In Maths, we have been looking at fractions, decimals, percentages, angles, 3D shapes and length.
In Language, we have continued to work on grammar rules, spelling and handwriting. We created posters, collaboratively, on our famous protesters, reminisced about the ‘Last Time’ we did something, as well as writing a descriptive piece about an unfortunate heron!
We had great fun on Sports Day and are looking forward to the last few weeks in Primary 6.
It’s certainly been different!!!