This week is STEM week so we did some STEM activites with Miss Harvey. We did a gummy worm experiment and a dancing ghosts experiment. The gummy worms experiment didn’t really work which was a shame! For the ‘Dancing Ghosts’ experiment we learned about satic electricity! We rubbed balloons against our hair and then used the balloon to make a tissue dance, it was really cool! We also did an engineering challenge and built bridges which could hold a 1kg (1000g) weight!! Mostly all of our bridges were able to hold it!
We also read chapter 9, 10 and 11 of The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. We wrote a summary of the story so far and we did some comprehension questions to check our understanding.
We did problem solving with Mrs Reid in Maths and some R.E about the woman in the well.
Newtons have been learning about Volume this week, Pythagoras have moved on to perimeter and area and Pythagoras are working really hard on their times tables.
We learned about information leaflets in Writing and created our own on the Great Wall of China.
We did P.E with Mrs Glancy. We all did some quiet reading for 20 minutes which we all loved (Well… mostly all of us).
From P5c and Miss Harvey (written by the pupils).