Class of Class 2022b

—PRIMARY 6B—-MONTHLY BLOG—– East Renfrewshire site

March 7, 2022
by gw17mccroriecaitlin@glow

February 2022

Welcome to P7b’s Blog!



In math we have been discussing financial terms like mortgage and budgeting. We have been learning what a budget is and why it is important. Our new head teacher of St.Ninians, Mr. O’Neil came in to our class and whilst he was there we used budgeting to plan a holiday and some children planned a party. Circles have been revising fractions and using pi to find the circumference of a circle. Squares have been doing units of measurements. Triangles are doing litres and millilitres.


Recently, we have been learning about WW2. We learned about world leaders during the time and made posters on them. Also we did timelines on the war. After learning loads of fun facts we started reading ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ and did Character Studies, Posters on the houses in the book, we also did propaganda posters and more great activities!


In Literacy we did comprehension on ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. We also did biographies and autobiographies about ourselves and a member of our family. For the boy in striped Pyjamas we did character studies about all the characters we read about so far. Some people in the class had did their USA presentation and they were amazing.

Expressive Arts

In art we created a realistic eye sketch and a mouth. Weare really proud of how they have turned out. We spent a long time creating them. While learning about World War 2, we created some amazing propaganda posters! We had to add slogans and make sure they were bright and colourful. Just recently we made art about The London Blitz.


In Technology we created our own products and thought what resources we might need to make the cost and a logo using auto drawing or canva. We had a lot of very creative ideas. There was the solar phone, heat boots, cyber glasses and hover chair. We are still working on these now and can’t wait to share them with you.

Thank you for reading our blog!


February 2, 2022
by gw17mccroriecaitlin@glow

January 2022

Welcome to the start of our second term as Primary 7 pupils in St Cadoc’s. We have been very busy in class and are very excited to tell you everything we have been up to!

This term in maths we have been lots of preparation for our standardised tests. Our teacher (Miss McCrorie) has been going over many subjects we feel we need to revise and we have done some practice papers too. Our squares maths group have been learning all about ordering, multiplying and finding place values of decimals. Circles have been focusing on data handling and place value of large numbers and the triangles have been learning about rounding and estimating numbers.

In writing we have been creating balanced arguments and debates about homework and aliens.

In Science we have learned all about our own Solar System. We have improved our stamina when doing fitness games in P.E. Outdoor learning has started back up after the Christmas break and we have undertook the subjects of Global Citizenship, Rights Respecting and Expressive Arts too.

For our topic we finished learning about the USA and are now presenting on aspects of it. We started a new topic, WW2. We started by looking at the origins of WW2 then we looked at the key leaders. We also took a look at Hitler’s rise to power.

We have been preparing for a very special time on our faith journey, our Confirmation. Each pupil has picked their confirmation saint and presented about them. P7b have been filling out our books and we attended a service where Canon Eddie stared us on our Confirmation Journey. 

Thank You for taking the time to read about our learning experiences.




December 3, 2021
by gw17mccroriecaitlin@glow

December 2021

Hello everyone, it’s great to see you again, we are so excited to show you everything we have been up to over this term.


In grammar we have been taught about clauses. A clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. They make up a sentence. There can be a main clause, coordinate clause or a subordinate clause.

In writing we wrote a persuasive letter to world leaders about COP26. We also did a letter to Bishop John Keenan for our confirmation, telling him why we chose our names and why it is important to us. We wrote an imaginative piece retelling the story of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. We were describing the scenes in first person using our senses.


For maths the circles focused on collecting data using the range, the median, the mode and mean. The squares focused on angles using a protractor. The triangles were learning about time.


For P.E a man called Ricky came in. He is a marathon runner. He talked about how difficult it was running for 24 hours. He also gave us exercises. He was very inspirational. A group of pupils from our class were picked to be in St. Cadoc’s badminton team. They won their first cluster tournament and progressed to play in Barrhead Foundry against other schools in East Renfrewshire. They came 3rd!


We designed Christmas ornaments for our school fair. We used lollipop sticks to create snowflakes and Christmas trees. We painted them and added jewels to make it nice and Christmassy. They were sold on Thursday. We have started to look at sketching and have started to draw a toucan.

October 29, 2021
by gw17mccroriecaitlin@glow

October 2021


This term P7b have been covering many topics in maths. Some of these include: Distance, speed and time, time intervals and division. We have also been learning our times tables and doing games to encourage mental agility. 

In writing we have enjoyed doing imaginative pieces like Frankenstein’s monster, we have also collected notes of the senses in forest school and used them to create an autumn poem.  

In Science we learned about different states of matter: solid, liquid and gasses. We did an experiment to see if ice diluted water when it melted. We then did an experiment on the fastest way to melt ice. 

In Art we have been studying the work of Georges Seurat, mainly his revolutionary technique of pointillism. We used this to paint sunflowers and famous American landmarks.

During outdoor learning we have done many river walks, much to the protest of pupil’s wet socks! We also abseiled down a hillside and made model rafts at the bottom to race against each other in the river. 



In P.E we did many fitness courses to build up stamina, we learned teamwork in ultimate frisbee and coordination skills in tennis and had fun playing rounders together.

In Health and Wellbeing, we learned the importance of healthy eating and create our own healthy diet plan!  

We also took part in our first online mandarin lesson. We learned about the differences and similarities between China and Scotland and learned some of the tones. We can’t wait to learn more!

This term has been a great one for P7b, today we are celebrating Halloween! We have loads of fun activities planned like a pumpkin parade and class parties. 

We have all received letters for our excursion to Lockerbie manor. We have also picked our confirmation names so it is going to be a very bu

sy month ahead for us.





September 30, 2021
by gw17mccroriecaitlin@glow

September 2021

This month we have been doing a lot of fun creative things including Maths, Literacy, Art, P.E Writing, French, Mass, Outdoor learning and our fantastic topic…AMERICA!


In Maths we have been doing lots of different topics for example multiplication and angles, time including digital, analogue and time durations and BODMAS. We also did square pictures that made an interesting design that we got to colour in and put on the wall to celebrate Math week. We had a fantastic visit from Jamie from EMTEC who told us all about renewable energy. We are in the process of creating a poster to show people what our world would be lie if we used this type of energy instead of fossil fuels.


This month we have been doing Comprehension involving texts that we have to search for the answers in the passage. Also the subject in a sentence, pronouns predicates, homophones, homonyms and modal verbs.


For Art we have been drawing our bikes, names, our growth mind-set brains and we have spent a few weeks drawing sunflowers. Our artist study is on Georges Seurat and his socialism was pointillism. We can’t wait to share the finished product with you.


This month in P.E we have been doing a range of games including American tag, tennis, basketball, ultimate Frisbee, touch down and rounders.


In writing we have been writing a letter to our buddies and we met and gave it to them! We have also been writing an imaginative horror story called ‘The Howl’. We had to make sure to continue the story in the style of the author and used descriptive vocabulary.


In French we have been learning how to introduce ourselves, numbers 1-60, days of the week, months and families.


This month we went to our first mass at St. Cadoc’s Church for the first time in a long time and Canon Eddie came and gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Outdoor Learning

In outdoor learning we walked up the river, did a scavenger hunt and picked up litter.


Our new topic that we have voted on is the USA. We were learning about 9/11 and researched famous landmarks. We also completed fact files and presented them to our class. We researched on Chromebooks and found lots of interesting facts!

Thank you for reading!


September 1, 2021
by gw17mccroriecaitlin@glow

August 2021

We are a happy class because we have started our first couple of weeks in Primary 7. It is our last year in St Cadoc’s so we want to make it the best yet.

We were very happy to come back to the news that life in school was a bit more normal. The thing we liked best was being able to play in the playground with our full year group.

In Maths, we started by looking at our presentation and ensuring we had the best layout. We revised setting out multiplication, division, addition and subtraction calculations. Some of our favourite Maths times have been playing some games like ‘Battle of the Giants’, ‘Around the World’ and ‘Popcorn’.

In Literacy, we have been looking at creating some interesting writing pieces about our hopes for Primary 7 and a piece about ourselves. We have also been revising spelling words and working on creating detailed sentences.

We had lots of discussion about a Growth Mindset and what this meant to us. Some of us said we had a growth mindset but some of us felt that we did not have one yet but we were going to tr and develop it and believe in ourselves a little more.

We have also chosen our first topic by voting for a country that we wanted to find more about. The class voted for the USA. We created a mind map about the things we already know and the things we want to find out about.

The first couple of weeks back have been great and we are looking forward to all the opportunities to come.


May 26, 2021
by gw11finniganlynne@glow

May Update from 6B

Hi Everyone!

In Numeracy we have been enjoying playing  a game called ‘Elimination’ to improve our mental agility. We have been learning a variety of topics in Maths including perimeter, length, decimals, percentages, co-ordinates, algebra and compass directions.

In literacy we have been focusing on grammar, spelling and handwriting each week. We have also been completing a unit called ‘The Thinking Reader’ to improve our comprehension skills. We have now completed our novel ‘Adolphus Tips’ which we really enjoyed.

Last week we enjoyed sports day at Crookfur Pavillion. We missed you being there but we still had lots of fun. Congratulations to our winners- Archie Barr, Adam Geejo and Grace Downs. Well done to all for great sportsmanship.

We have been learning about world religions and shared our learning with our peers. It was very informative.

We have started to create our e-portfolios and these can be viewed online.

In technology we have taken part in weekly knex challenges which has been so much fun.

Thanks for reading. See you in June for our last post of P6!


Written by P6B


April 28, 2021
by gw11finniganlynne@glow

April Update from 6B

Hi everyone! We have all settled back into school and we are loving laughing and learning with our friends again. Here is an update on what we have been doing.


In Maths the circles have been learning about angles, time, long multiplication and distance/speed/time. The squares have been learning about fractions, time and decimals. The triangles have been learning about function machines, focusing on number skills and practising times tables.


We have been learning new spelling rules since we have returned and in grammar we have learned about prefixes, adverbs, paragraphs, punctuation and auxiliary verbs. In writing we have written Spring poems, created Earth Day posters, learned how to take concise notes and written a letter begging world leaders to help to save our planet. We are also focusing on our listening skills and we all presented a talk to the class based on our topic ‘The Victorians’. We are finishing our novel study too and visit the school library weekly to encourage our reading for pleasure.


We focused on the Easter story prior to the holidays and created our own drama from this. We recently learned about Saint Bernadette and Saint George. This term we are going to be learning about World Religions and creating a PowerPoint to record our learning. The pupils in our class who practise another faith will be giving us  a detailed presentation about their beliefs.

We have been completing lots of group tasks in class too such as K’Nex challenges. We really enjoyed creating Ferris wheels, water wheels and a carousel together. This term our topic will be based around Rights Respecting Schools lessons which we are looking forward to. In ICT we have been coding and using the Chromebooks for research. In PE we have been playing really fun games like touchdown and American tag. We are going to be focusing on stamina and athletics this term. We enjoy voting for sport’s person of the week. This week we can’t wait to return to the forest for outdoor learning which will happen every fortnight this term.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my learning!

The pupils of P6B


December 17, 2020
by K Flaherty

December Blog

Written by Richard and Archie


In Maths the Triangles have been working on their multiplication addition,division and subtraction skills.  The squares have been focusing on fractions and the circles have been enhancing their knowledge of percentages.



We have been revising our spelling words for our end of term test but since we had to self isolate so we’re going to do it in January instead. We are still enjoying our novel study ‘Adolphus Tips’.



We have finished our topic  on Australia . We have been learning about Australian culture, animals, sports and history. In ICT we have been typing up fact files about an Australian city of our choice. We are looking forward to picking our new topic for next term!


in RE lately we have been focusing our Pope Francis Faith award, we have covered the Gifts of Knowledge and Piety. We are moving on  to the Gift of Wisdom next term.


Merry Christmas and a Happy 2021! Have a wonderful holiday!


November 25, 2020
by gw11finniganlynne@glow

November News

Hello from 6B!


We have been focusing on time, algebra, co-ordinates and multiplication. We have also completed lots of maths challenges too.



In Language this month we have been learning about apostrophes to show possession, subject and predicate and direct speech. We have been writing news articles and using our notes to help us do this. We created climate change leaflets which are part of a school display and completed a writer’s craft story.


We continued with the Pope Francis Faith Award focusing on the Gift of Knowledge. We delivered presentations to our classmates about our hobbies and created mind-maps about the skills we will need for our future career. We also compared our lives to those less fortunate than us. This week we will begin to focus on the Gift of Piety and will be making a surprise gift for our parents.

Canon Eddie came into our class and celebrated Mass with us which we really appreciated. He told us about his life as a priest and that he has met a Saint!

This Saturday is Saint Andrew’s day; we have been learning about his life in class.


In ICT we have been researching topics about Australia.


We each delivered a talk on a particular aspect of Australia. Topics ranged from animals, landmarks, cities, food and sports. We made amazing PowerPoint presentations and used note cards to deliver our talks.



We completed Beat the Street and are now enjoying activities in the upper forest. We have explored the forest, built cairns, walked in the river and played Kim’s game. This week we plan to build a house to accommodate a small forest animal.



This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. Our class are planning a special surprise for our parents which will be available for you to view online to help us to celebrate this special time of year.

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