What does DYW look like in St Ninian’s?

SDS support

In St Ninian’s we have two Skills Development Scotland Career advisers. Katrina Sheppard and Beth McNeill.

Pupils are invited for an interview during their time in school at key stages such as option choices and before leaving school.

Our career advisers are also available for informal drop-in sessions at lunchtime.  They attend information evenings and parents’ nights.

All pupils can self-refer through their Pastoral teacher.

College application programme

The College Application Programme has been set up in order to help pupils in S4, S5 and S6 who plan to leave school at summer, to complete their college application forms for next year. The programme provides pupils with a mentor to help guide them in choosing appropriate courses to apply for at college. Once the pupils have met one to one with their mentor and identified some courses that they are interested in they will attend the College Application Afternoon, during which time they will be given support members of teaching staff and advisors from Skills Development Scotland. Pupil’s applications will then be tracked and support provided for interviews etc.

My World of Work Ambassador programme

S3 & S4 pupils take up this role and learn leadership skills.  The ambassadors run lessons, have stalls at Career and information evenings and support DYW across the school.

Careers Mentoring

We have a number of professionals who mentor young people in their Career aspirations and support them building a positive plan for their future. Currently we have Mentors from DWP and also some former pupils who work in business.

Widening Participation Programme

Over the last 2 years we have been working with the University of Glasgow to support young people live in a target postcode area or are another priority individual.

We run 4 initiatives in St Ninian’s:

  1. REACH- S5/6 pupils involved
  2. Access to a career – S5/6 pupils involved
  3. Top Up – S6 pupils
  4. Early Secondary – S1 pupils to support options

For more information on widening participation click here