May 2022

This month has really gone so quickly. We’ve had extra holidays and have been involved in lots of different activities.

It was so exciting to eventually be allowed to travel on a bus and visit the Science Centre. IMAX film was fantastic and made us all feel really relaxed. It was great to view our planet from space and find out how the astronauts cope with life living in a space station. We couldn’t believe how long they are allowed to stay. Most importantly, we were reminded how important it is to look after our planet and we were really shocked about the parts that have already been destroyed.

Yesterday, we asked our parents/carers to visit our school for an ‘Achievement/ School Values’ Assembly. We  spoke about our achievements, read stories and remembered the different topics that we had covered in Primary 6. At the end, we shared our memories with our parents/carers and took lots of photographs.

We have continued our topic on ‘Democracy’ and ‘The Scottish Parliament’. In groups, we made posters to show the meaning of ‘Democracy’  and now have a really eye catching display in our classroom. In Science, we have taken part in a live ‘Biodiversity’ lesson with lots of different schools. This was quite exciting as we could read everyone’s comments on the issues being discussed. We are really looking forward to the second live lesson on ‘Water’ in June. We have also linked our writing to our social studies topic as we have been trying to include arguments for and against extra breaks. Next week, we will choose our own issue to write about and try to persuade our peer group that we are right.

Sadly, today is our student teacher’s last day in St Cadoc’s. Miss Schenini will be missed as she has been helping and teaching us since January. We wish her every success as she begins her journey in education. She is very much looking forward to teaching her own class in August. Hope we will see you again.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Primary 6d & Mrs Bovaird

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