February 2022

Primary 6d have had another busy month. We all enjoyed our long February weekend!

In writing, we have been concentrating on imaginative stories. We continued to work on using similes and metaphors. We also looked at ways we could improve on describing settings. Titles included ‘The Old Grandfather Clock’ and ‘The Secret Garden’. Well done everyone!

In reading, we have continued with our novel ‘ Tom’s Midnight Garden’. We have completed lots of comprehension activities which included literal, inferential and personal questions.We also linked our grammar work by looking at the author’s use of colons. It was really amazing how many times colons and semi-colons appear in each chapter!

In numeracy, we have practised 24 hrs clock times and incorporated reading bus/train timetables to ensure we can work out how long a journey might take. Other areas covered are ‘Multiplication Th H T U’ and ‘Equivalent Fractions’. In problem solving our focus has been on using the strategies ‘Working Backwards/ Reason Logically. We really enjoy working together to solve more challenging problems.

In social studies, our topic ‘The Victorians’ has been really exciting as so many new things were invented during this age. We now need to choose ‘A Victorian Invention’ and create a PowerPoint/ Poster to share with our class in March. Remember to practise reading your work aloud and have your notes ready to help. In technology, we have also  designed our own inventions with Miss Schenini and we can’t wait to work together to create them.

In expressive arts, we drew Queen Victoria and designed a Victorian  Postage Stamp. We now have some really interesting wall displays inside and outside the classroom. Primary 6d have continued our journey towards ‘The Pope Francis Faith Award’. We are currently working on ‘The Gift of Fortitude’. We have discussed and carried out some activities at home and in school. It was great to find out all the different ways that everyone is challenging themselves to improve a skill. Keep this up!

P.6d & Mrs Bovaird

P.S Please remember to collect any materials that you will need to build your  invention

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