November 2021

Primary 6d have had another really busy month. We really enjoyed learning all about COP 26 and it was so exciting that this conference was taking place in Glasgow. We watched some of it live and it was amazing to see lots of  World Leaders together discussing such important issues. In class, we have been practising taking notes and writing persuasive texts about how we could change the world.  We managed to collect lots of important data that helped us to incorporate clear evidence in our writing.

In literacy, we have continued to work on using speech marks. It was  tricky but we are now able to use them correctly in conversations. As always, we have been working hard using our comprehension skills to complete texts on ‘Keeping Australia Beautiful’ and exploring characters feeling and thoughts.

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been working on measurement- converting kilometres, metres,centimetres and millimetres. We have also started to connect this to decimals. Other areas we have covered are multiplication-Th H T U, fractions-simplified and division with remainders.

In Art, we looked at Australian Aboriginal Art and used this technique to design our own pictures. They were really colourful and displayed lots of native Australian animals.  We are now going to complete the last part of our topic by comparing and contrasting Australia and the UK.

Next week, we will be beginning a mini topic on ‘Christmas around the World’. At home, we can research any country in order to find out about different traditions. Then, we will share this information with the rest of the class.

Mrs Bovaird & P.6d

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