August 2022

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to our P7D blog…

We have had a fantastic first couple of weeks back in school following the Summer holidays; we are thoroughly enjoying the new challenges and opportunities that come along with being a Primary 7!

The beginning of this year has focused on the consolidation of our understanding in Literacy and Maths. We have been practising up-levelling sentences using sophisticated punctuation, a variety of openers, connectives, and ambitious vocabulary; we have transferred this to our Writing pieces, as we have now written a brilliant reflective piece and also an imaginative story, where we used plenty of descriptive language to help our reader to visualise our ideas. Quite a few of us were awarded Star Writer for our effort! We will continue to develop our skills in Imaginative writing in the coming weeks. We have also explored the effectiveness of metaphors, similes and personification as techniques to enhance what we write. Our descriptive Jungle writing was outstanding! Here is a sample of our wonderful descriptive phrases:

‘If you listen closely, you can hear hundreds of birds, all colours of the rainbow, sing their songs as one.’ 

‘…stained my tongue the darkest blue imaginable.’

‘…the varieties of flowers; there’s one that stood out for me – the bird of paradise – green, long stems, orange petals out in fours, sticking out from the blue middle that’s pointing forwards.’ 

We have also been reading ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ – our class novel – to understand more about the refugee crisis and society.

In Maths, we have been learning about Place Value up to one million and beyond, playing multiplication BINGO, practising calculations involving the 4 operations, and revisiting a host of other mathematical concepts to make sure we have a strong foundation moving forward this year! We have also practised rounding and estimating numbers; calculating time durations; and many more topics!

In PE, we have been developing our fitness, endurance and ability to pace ourselves. In Science today, we learnt about the importance of variables in ensuring a fair investigation. We also decided that the continent we would like to study this term is Asia; this was put to a vote and it was a close call!

We are looking forward to the St. Cadoc’s Talent Show taking place on the 22nd September…

Thank you for taking the time to read our first blog post. We will report back soon!

Primary 7D 🙂  

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