This month we have been busy collecting for SCIAF and learning all about the signs and symbols of Lent. Some of the children in our class organised a stall called ‘The Everything Stall’ and raised over £135. Well done, everyone! Thank you to all the children who have remembered to bring in their WEE BOXES. We have also been learning about St. Patrick and St. Joseph. Two children chose to make their own PowerPoints which they presented to the class. Interesting facts and information.
Primary 6d have completed ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’. We linked all our comprehension and a lot of our writing activities. This month, we concentrated on imaginative stories- Secret Garden, The Old Grandfather Clock and as always a title of our own. We also wrote ‘Rules for a Victorian Classroom’. Some of the classrooms rules were very strict so it must have been very difficult to be a child in Victorian times.
STEAM WEEK was a great success. We carried out lots of experiments that showed chemical reactions and energy- static. Great Fun! We especially enjoyed making the ‘Dancing Ghosts’. We also challenged ourselves to use different mathematical strategies to solve lots of problems.
In french, we have developed our skills by practising vocabulary connected to the weather. Mrs Bovaird has been challenging us to learn to order our lunches. At the beginning of the week, it was difficult but now we are improving each day. We need to keep adding more and more french words as the choices are continually changing. We’ll be experts in a few weeks time!!!
‘The Victorians’ has been a fantastic topic. We have loved all the different activities especially presenting our PowerPoints and posters on ‘Victorian Inventions’. It was indeed a really special time. So much happened- x-rays, telephones, bicycles, motion pictures, post boxes, trains, sewing machine, football, typewriter, planes, phonograph, ice-cream (Industrial), postage stamp etc
We are all looking forward to our holidays and wish everyone ‘Happy Easter’.
Primary 6d & Mrs Bovaird x