The Magical Month of May

Hello and welcome back to our class blog!

We have been working very hard this month and demonstrated our commitment to learning during our week of isolation. As always, we were enthusiastic and eager to contribute to our online class discussions!

May is a very special month in the Catholic calendar as it marks the month of Mary. We have taken the time to reflect on how she is the mother of Jesus and Mother to us all. We have also learned about the signs and symbols related to the Feast of Pentecost and discussed ways the Holy Spirit can influence our lives.

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading Charlotte’s Web and we are now reading Chapter 15! We have been using our skimming and scanning skills to locate words in the book we do not understand and have been learning how to use a dictionary to find the definition of these words. We are certainly becoming independent learners!

In PE, we have been learning badminton and hockey skills such as eye-hand coordination, balance, speed and agility. We are definitely a competitive bunch so we were excited to take part in Sports Day! We took part in a sprint race, hurdles, sack race and egg and spoon race! Although the weather was not great, we had so much fun!

In ICT, we have been learning how to create our own digital profiles and we cannot wait to share these with you soon! We also enjoyed learning about the artist Van Gogh and have created our own ‘Starry Night’ piece using oil pastels, focusing on tone and texture.

Fun Fact: We can now translate colours and body parts into French – How cool!

We cannot wait to learn more in June!
Thank you for reading our blog,
P5D and Miss Boyle 🙂

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