April 2021

Hello and welcome back to our class blog 🙂

We have been very busy bees since returning to school!
We are now in the last term of Primary 5 and we cannot believe where the time has gone!

We are enjoying reading the novel “Charlotte’s Web”. We all feel so sorry for poor Wilbur but we are sure Charlotte will help him. We have been learning comprehension skills such as summarising and predicting. Our listening and talking skills have also improved through class discussions and debates. We love “Writing Wednesdays” and have created excellent pieces of writing recently. We took fabulous notes to make a fact file on SPIDERS! Did you know there are over 35000 species of spiders worldwide and a spider web is stronger than steel?!

We love learning new concepts in maths! We have been learning how to measure volume and weight and how to use and identify their correct units of measurement. We have also been learning how to complete calculations that involve fractions and decimals. We enjoy putting our mental maths skills to the test during our legendary game of “Battle of the Giants!”

This term, we are currently learning about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We worked together to suggest ways we can reduce our carbon footprint and keep our earth clean. Some suggestions included walking/cycling to school, turning off  lights when we leave the room and of course, reduce, reuse, recycle! On “Earth Day” we created playground art to remind all pupils how important it is to look after our environment in order to keep our earth clean.

We were so excited to return to the forest this week! As we have been learning about spiders, it seemed like the perfect time for a minibeast hunt! We used our maths skills to create a tally and bar chart of all the minibeasts we found. We also enhanced our communication skills by working in teams. It was so much fun!

We cannot wait to learn more in May!
Thank you for reading our blog,
P5D and Miss Boyle 🙂




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