November 2020

What a fabulous month we have had in P5D!

We started the month learning about All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day. We learned the “Eternal Rest” prayer to pray for our loved ones who have sadly passed away. We have also been learning about important Saints, such as Saint John Paul, Saint Margaret, Pope Leo I and Saint Andrew. It is the feast day of Saint Andrew today and we celebrated him by wearing tartan, listening to Scottish music and creating a “stained glass” paper craft! We have also been learning about other faiths such as Hinduism and Sikhism. Some of the children in P5D shared their experience of “Diwali”, it was very interesting!

We celebrated World Children’s Day on the 20th of November by wearing blue and protesting for climate change! We made amazing posters to showcase our knowledge of climate change and why we must prevent it! We also wrote a persuasive letter to the COP26 president to express our concerns and demand change. We used lots of persuasive language and punctuation to emphasise our worry for the planet!

In literacy, we have been writing non-chronological reports about natural disasters. We researched important facts that would make our report very interesting to read! P5D could tell you all about floods, droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes! We also wrote an imaginative piece called the “The Magic Box” which really tested our vocabulary skills. However, we thought of very exciting things to write about so it was great fun 🙂

In maths, we have been learning about BODMAS, measurement (how to convert units of measure, how to calculate the perimeter, how to answer calculations involving measurement), fractions, division and word problems which we can solve much faster after learning the RUCSAC method. We have been continuing our mental multiplication games to ensure our multiplication tables are spot on!

In outdoor learning, we have been learning to use our listening skills. We know how important it is to follow instructions, especially outside of school grounds! We were very excited to make bird nests last week. The class were split into two groups, half the class used their hands to create a bird nest while the other half had to use pegs (as if they were beaks). It was so much fun and we learned how lucky we are to have hands!

It has been an exciting month and we can’t wait to see what we get up to in December 🙂

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog,
Miss Boyle, Mrs Burns and P5D.



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