October 2020

P5d have had a very busy and wonderful October!

October was very special because it was the month we received the Sacrament of the Eucharist. We celebrated our First Holy Communion on the 24th of October at St. Cadoc’s Church. We were also very lucky to be able to celebrate this occasion in school! We had a fabulous class party where we played lots of fun games and dressed in our own clothes! A massive thank you to the PSA for supplying party snacks and cake!

We are loving the outdoors at the moment as the autumnal colours are beautiful! We have been learning how to use a compass and we created maps to help guide our peers to the “hidden treasure”. We have also been estimating, measuring and using our problem solving skills in the forest to challenge the statement “The tallest trees have the longest leaves”.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about our emotions and ways of managing them. We created a “Wellbeing Wheel” to help us. We also practiced mindfulness meditation to help us relax before starting class work.

We have been working very hard in maths, focussing on improving our multiplication and division through lots of fun starter activities. We are scoring higher each week which shows that we are definitely improving!

In literacy, we have covered a range of genres. We have written limericks (they were great fun!), a personal writing piece about our October Week and a spooky imaginative piece about a Haunted House!!

This week we explored the theme of Halloween through writing, maths and of course, art! We also have our Halloween Party tomorrow! We can’t wait to see all the fabulous costumes.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
See you in November!

P5D, Miss Boyle and Mrs Burns 🙂


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