September 2020

The children in Primary 5D have settled in really well since returning in August. We have been learning lots and having fun at the same time! Outdoor learning is part of the core curriculum this year and has given us the fantastic opportunity to discover nature and learn more about our environment. We have been using our problem solving skills to create dens in the forest, our artistic skills to create muddy faces and we have taken inspiration from autumn leaves to create an autumn poem. We have also been given the opportunity to plant trees in our playground! This was very exciting news and we used our measuring skills to find the perfect spot!

This month, our maths groups have been learning about symmetry, measurement, 3D shapes, number processes, calculations and bar graphs. It is Maths Week Scotland so we are trying to incorporate maths into as many lessons as possible! We definitely have a few maths wizards in our class! Additionally, we have been working on our writing skills this month, particularly personal writing and poetry. We are also learning to analyse, summarise and sequence during comprehension activities.

We know how important our health and well being is which is why we have carried out lots of activities to help us understand how to respond to different feelings and situations. We have been learning about the importance of a growth mindset and to always try even when you feel like giving up! We have also been learning about The Rights of the Child, what it means to feel included and the importance of teamwork! To help us feel at ease during our busy days at school, we have set aside time to practice mindfulness meditation. In R.E., we have been learning about the Creation Story, St. Francis of Assisi, the importance of forgiveness and walking in God’s footsteps.

We can’t wait to see what the month of October will bring!

Primary 5D, Miss Boyle & Mrs Burns 🙂

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