Happy Chinese New Year!

Last Saturday, people in different parts of the world celebrated Chinese New Year. This week in school, we found out lots of cool facts about this amazing festival. On Monday, we made Chinese New Year decorations and fortune tellers. We found out how to record numbers from zero to ten in Mandarin and we created calculations for our friends to solve. Some of us also made posters displaying our learning about Chinese New Year using both pictures and words.

On Tuesday, we used our imaginations to write a Chinese New Year story. In our stories, we told the reader about the events our characters experienced, making sure that they were in chronological order – this means that we wrote about events in the order that they would have happened. For example, we began explaining how the characters celebrated New Year’s Eve, then went on to write in detail about New Year’s Day.

On Wednesday, Miss Burdett taught us how to create a podcast. First, we had to decide on a specific theme, which was something related to St Cadoc’s Primary School. Then, we worked in partners to plan out the content of our podcasts using a storyboard, making sure that everyone had equal opportunity to speak. We recorded our podcasts, timed them and even added in sound effects to make them more interesting for the listener.

As part of Other World Religions fortnight, we worked individually, in pairs or threes to select and research a faith other than our own and present our learning to our classmates in a format of our choice (e.g. PowerPoint or poster). We have been sharing these confidently, practising effective talking and listening skills.

Lastly, we have been learning about ways of keeping our data secure online. We understand that longer, more complex passwords make it harder for other people to access our information and have been practising creating secure passwords.

As you have read, we have had a very busy week and are looking forward to more fun and challenging learning next week!

P4d and Miss O’Hara

One thought on “Happy Chinese New Year!

  1. What a busy week they have had!

    Thank you Miss O’Hara for the insight into what our children have been up to in class.

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