Happy 2020!

We would like to wish all of our family and friends a very happy new year! We have had a very busy first two weeks back at school.

To begin 2020, we have decided to learn more about climate change. From the news, we have discovered that bushfires are causing devastation in Australia and that the ocean temperatures are now higher than they have ever been before. We know that this is caused by global warming.

We have been learning about the factors causing global warming, like factories, planes and cars producing pollution (also known as greenhouse gases). We have been thinking of ways in which we could help reduce the production of greenhouse gases and have made posters to raise awareness about climate change. Here are a few suggestions you might like to try which will help you to reduce your ‘carbon footprint’:

·         Try to walk instead of using cars all the time

·         More people could start using electric cars

·         Car sharing (e.g. travelling to school in a group) to reduce the number of cars on the road.

·         Reduce the amount of single use plastic we use in day to day life.

·         Use renewable energy sources e.g. wind power, solar panels and wave power.

We hope you will join us in taking care of our environment.

Thanks for reading,

P4d and Miss O’Hara

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