Star of the Week – Caitlin!

This week’s Star Pupil in P6b is Caitlin! Caitlin has worked so hard from Christmas to take on an even larger role within class discussions and and activities and we’re all so proud of her. Her classmates added some extra compliments too!

Miss Mac.

Home learning reminder!

Hi Parents/Carers,

Just a wee note about home learning and what would benefit the children most. First of all, a big thanks to you because your ongoing support is very much appreciated! One of the things that would benefit the children most in their studies at school is to have obtained an accurate, rapid recall of all multiplication facts. We have to apply these skills in increasingly complex calculations in class and, at this point, some children are still working towards recall of these. Likewise, swift number bond recall within 20 is a necessity at this point. There are many sites to aid this such as Hit the Button. Even 5 minutes a night would make a difference in this area for some.

Having opportunities to read aloud at home is so important too. Our new novel study will be going home this week and I’d love for the children to have the chance to build fluency and expression at home. In class we have also been focusing on achieving appropriate volume and projecting our voices when reading/discussing.

I have also issued a European country project for this term that is detailed within the childrens’ homework jotters. These projects can be as involved or brief as time permits.

Thanks again for your support,

Miss McAnally

Well done!

Well done to the P6b students who performed so well at our Scottish Assembly yesterday! It takes real courage to stand up in front of hundreds of people and act in the manner you did! Keep stepping out of your comfort zone! They enjoyed some Irn Bru sweeties today as a treat. 🙂

Miss Mac.

Burns’ Night!

Today P6b had an enjoyable morning tackling one of Robert Burns’ poems ‘Up in the Morning Early.’ They learned some interesting Scots words. We could definitely relate to his feelings on dark mornings!!!

Happy Burns’ Night.

Star of the Week – Zaza

Well done, Zaza! You’ve settled into the class so well! We love having you in P6b! Keep up the amazing work. Your classmates have offered some adjectives to describe you above. 🙂

Miss Mac.


‘Reading’ a Painting

A Highland Funeral by Sir James Guthrie (1886).

P6b, I would like you to show off your budding ARTiculate skills and read your parents/carers this painting. Mrs McIntyre has been speaking so highly of your efforts so far!

Miss Mac.

P6b welcome parents and carers

On Friday 1st of March at 2:15pm, P6b would like to invite parents and carers into our class. Primary 6b will be showcasing what they have learned within their upcoming  European country projects and would love for you to witness our learning.

See you there!

Miss Mac.

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