Pancake Tuesday

Before the beginning of lent, we made pancakes on shrove Tuesday. The children were able to work in groups and follow a recipe create a batch of pancakes. They were also a great help tidying the classroom afterwards.


Primary 6 have been working really hard on their writing recently. By creating a planning page and researching factual information they were able to create some fantastic reports about the Amazon Rainforest.

Author Visit Victoria Williamson

On Thursday Victoria Williamson visited Primary 6 and 7 to tell us about her new book The Boy with the Butterfly Mind. We discussed how to write an effective story by introducing the main characters and sequencing the events. We also got to take part in a science experient influenced by one of the main characters love of science. 🧪📕

We can’t wait to start reading this book in class! 😃

World Book Day

We had a visit from Mary from the foundary on World Book Day. The children enjoyed working out emoji puzzles to work out the title of each book and listening to a story. Mary gave the children some information regarding library memberships and taking out books. I would highly recommend that all children become members as there are a large range of books available at the foundary to take out and enjoy reading.

The children also enjoyed sharing their own favourite books with the class and discussing the genre and plot.



Euro Quiz

In preparation for the Euro Quiz, we had a practice quiz in class. I was very impressed by Primary 6’s enthusiasm and knowledge which they demonstrated during the quiz. We have been focusing our studying on capital cities, famous landmarks and the shape and position of countries on a map. Well done to all. It was a very close call. Our winners Sophie and Oscar will represent St. Mark’s at the Euro Quiz.

Handball Tournament

On Thursday before the February weekend, Primary 6 participated in a handball tournament which took place in St. Luke’s High School. The event was organised as a cluster transition event in which all the Primary 6’s in the St. Luke’s cluster took part. This was a great opportunity for children to integrate and get to know children from St. John’s and St. Thomas’ Primary who they will join in high school. Our childrens behaviour and participation in the games was excellent. A great time was had by all.

Science electricity

Our science topic this term is electricity. The children have enjoyed learning about the components  which make up an electrical circuit. We have also had practice drawing circuit diagrams using the correct symbols and terminology. This week the children had the chance to experiement creating a circuit by using a Lemmon battery. A couple of groups managed to make a buzzer ring by using the lemon to generate electricity. 🍋💡

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