Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break. I am looking forward to seeing Primary 6 back at school tomorrow. On the last week before the holidays, we created Christmas tree pictures which were inspired by the Spirit of Christmas ride on our school trip. We also created Grinch Christmas cards. I am sure you’ll agree that we have many talented artists in the class. 

Christmas fayre

Lots of little elves have been busy making stockings in Primary 6 in preparation for our Christmas fayre. The finished stockings look great and are perfect for a christmas gift. The Christmas fayre begins tomorrow at 1.00pm and finishes at 2.30pm. If you can make it we would love to see you there!

The Victorians Topic Showcase

Just a reminder that our topic showcase is this Friday. Parents are welcome to have tea and coffee in the family room from 9 till half 9. Primary 6 will be showcasing their work from half 9. They have created their own inventions and are excitied to show you them. Feel free to come along if you can make it.

Thank you,

Miss Quinn

Victorian Inventors

This week the children have been studying famous Victorian inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell, James Watt and Kirkpatrick  MacMillian. The children learned about inventions and advancements in technology and transport during the Victorian era and how they have benefitted society. All children worked very well with a partner and were able to research information and create a poster about an inventor. Just a reminder that the homework project for the class showcase is due in November. Children have been tasked to create their own invention using recycled materials. 

Maths week

During Maths week Scotland, Primary 6 were visited by a nurse who showed them how she uses maths in her job everyday. The children learned how nurses use numbers to determine the condition of their patients and what care they require. We also had a visit from East Renfrewshire Money Management who taught the children about saving money and how much it costs to have a car, a house and go on holiday.


We had a Kahoot maths challenge where the children teamed up with Primary 6a. The questions in the challenge covered maths topics we have looked at this year and revision from last year.  Well done to all for participating and congratulations to those who made the final and our winners Yasmine and Kayla.

The children also had the chance to create their own maths games. Number guess who was a hit.

Victorian cooking

Primary 6 had a great time working with the other class on Thursday. We followed a recipe and measured and prepared the ingredients to make apple sponge cake. All worked very well as a team and enjoyed eating the cake at the end of the day. Delicious!! Have a lovely long weekend.



Queen Victoria


‘The Victorians’ our Social Subjects topic has got off to a great start. Primary 6B have been working well as a team using their research and digital skills to create a PowerPoint presentation about Queen Victoria. We will hopefully present these in front of the class once finished.

Welcome back!!

Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a lovely summer. I have enjoyed getting to know the children over the past week and I am looking forward to sharing the learning which takes place in the classroom on this blog. Tomorrow after school at 3.15pm there will be a meet the teacher session. Please feel free to come along and say hello. I will be presenting the curriculum overview and homework for this term and answering any questions that you may have. Thank you, Miss Quinn.

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