
We completed our first Charanga music lesson this week. We  listened to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air,  discussed the style of music, tempo and dynamics. We also practised keeping a steady beat, learned the lyrics to the verses and performed these in groups. We had a lot of fun!

Creative working!

During literacy this week, P6a have been working extra hard to challenge themselves to work on areas they feel they need to improve on. They have been very creative by making their own spelling games to practise the rule of the week and reading aloud to their peers with a focus on expression. Good job!

Book Week Scotland – French style!

We read the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ in french. We worked in pairs to identify some French words and their meaning and had a go at reading it out loud. Excellent translation work took place!


Book Week Scotland

This week was Book Week Scotland and we loved doing a lot of ‘Book Talk’. We shared our favourite novels, discussed characters we thought we were similar to and also shared a piece of advice we would give to a character from one of our books.

We brought in books from home to read for enjoyment throughout the week and some of us even did a book swap! A lot of fantastic discussion took place!


We have been learning about the water treatment process. This week we focused on the clarification stage and did an experiment to see how sedimentation works.  We created a sedimentation jar filled with dirty materials and water and watched as layers started to form over time. We were then able to explain how this process would make water cleaner, making reference to the informative video we watched, before moving onto the filtration stage.

Art Club

We took part in the The National Galleries Art Club challenge which was created by three of our peers from St. Mark’s. We watched Alfie, Oliwia and Taylor in the video on the National Galleries Scotland website and answered the question ‘Why did you choose those colours?’. We had some very creative responses!

Classroom Economy

It was that time of the month again where the groups had to count up their bonuses and check which group had the winning total. Maths skills were put to good use!

Water Filters

After designing our water filters, we used materials such as tights, nets, sieves, clingfilm and filter paper to make them. The sand and dirt got trapped in some of the layers and cleaner water was able to pass through. We then used our grading strips to compare the dirty water with the cleaner water. Excellent problem solving!



Spooky Outdoor Learning!

We worked in teams to use the loose parts to build a spooky halloween character last week. We were so creative and added extra detail using natural materials from the playground. We also worked really hard on our communication and made sure we followed our outdoor learning rules!


Scientists for the afternoon!

We investigated dirty water samples and analysed the quality of water. We used water grading strips to help score the quality of the appearance and analysed the odour. We know the dangers of drinking dirty water and realise that people in some countries do not have the luxury of access to clean water. Keep an eye out for the water filters we have started to design!



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