World Book Day 2019

We kicked off World Book Day with some maths and numeracy. The book we are reading this term is Esio Trot. We are really enjoying this book so far and learning about Mrs Silvers Tortoise. We used our numeracy skills to weigh out the different weights of the torotises in Esio Trot. We had to change our scales into ounces and we learned that 16 ounces was the same as 1lb.


















We then ordered our objects from lightest to heaviest. We all had a turn to feel the weight of all of the objects and imagined them as tortoises.








After break we spent some time pair reading. We shared our favourite stories with our peers, telling them what we liked about the book. We had a great time!

Miss McFlynn and Primary 3a 🙂



World Book Day

On Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day. Throughout the day we will be completing a varitey of tasks based on books we have read in class and at home.

For Thursday could all pupils bring in their favourite book if it is one they have from home.  All pupils will be given an opportunity on Thursday to explain to their peers why their chosen book is their favourite.


Thanks, Miss McFlynn 🙂

Image result for world book day 2019

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight begins on Monday 25th February and finishes on March 10th.

All pupils have been provided a homework task for this week.

P1 – P3 have a Fairtrade Passport.

P4-5  are to design a Fairtrade chocolate bar.

P6-7 are to create a 3D Fairtrade chocolate box.

The Fairtrade Committee will be presenting at an assembly the following week.

Finally Primary 2 will be hosting a Fairtrade coffee morning on the 8th March at 10am. Everyone is welcome to attend and we would be very grateful for any baking on this date.


Miss Mckay, P2 and the Fairtrade Committee




Coffee and Chat

Hi All!

Just a little reminder that there is a coffee and chat for P3 parents/carers on Wednesday morning in the school’s family room from 09:15-10:00.

We are going to be discussing digital technologies used for homework and children’s solo talks on the rainforest which will be coming up towards the end of term!

We look forward to seeing you then 🙂

Miss Queen and Miss McFlynn x

See the source image

Scottish Assembly

This week, Wednesday 30th January, the whole school will be hosting a Scottish Assembly. Primary 3a & b will be singing ‘Ye Cannae Shove Yer Grannie Aff a Bus’. Our assembly starts at 2pm and we would love it as many of our families and friends could come at watch us!

Below is a copy of the words to the song if you wish to practice at home tonight and tomorrow night.

Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus


Primary 3, Miss McFlynn and Miss Queen 🙂


Homework WB 14/01/19

This week’s optional whole school homework is a creative competition. If you are interested in taking part see the link below.

Creative Competition Flyer 2019

The competition is part of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign and encourages all participants to demonstrate an anti-racism message. If you would like to take part and require any art or other materials please let Miss McFlynn know. Be creative! You can do anything to spread the message.

The school will submit the entries together and therefore they should be returned by Friday.

Along with this whole school homework Primary 3a have spelling and reading homework as normal. All pupils have their spelling words for this week in their folders. If you require a new sheet please ask Miss McFlynn.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and are feeling well rested, ready for the term ahead 🙂

Homework this term will be in a mixture of formats with whole school activities continuing, some jotter work and the use of Education city.

Education city homework is a fun way for children to practice skills and the program allows us to monitor progress, track errors and assign specific targets  to specific individuals. It highlights errors and areas that individuals find challenging which allows us to plan and teach in a responsive manner. The activities assigned can be completed on a laptop, chromebook, tablet or phone or any device that has internet access.

Each child has their own login details which have been glued into the back of their homework jotters. Anyone having issues with login or  please contact the class teachers for support.

This week P3a have been assigned spelling homework to be completed in their jotters as normal and reading each night as normal. This term our maths homework will be completed using education city. This week the children have been assigned a variety of maths activities on Education City which should be completed by the end of the week.

Along with literacy and numeracy homework P3a have been assigned a whole school homework task which relates to our class topic for this term. Our topic this term is The Rainforest. Attached is a copy of the sheet to download incase you have misplaced your paper copy.

Whole school HW p3a WB 7th Jan

Thank You,

Miss McFlynn


Special Visitor!

Last week we were surprised to find a special visitor in our classroom. Meet Tommy the Elf who has came all the way from the North Pole to visit us in Primary 3a. Over the past week Tommy has been playing tricks on us and he even put Miss McFlynn on the naughty list!

One morning we came into class and he had stole Miss McFlynn’s biscuits and was eating them!

Lets hope Tommy behaves himself this week!



Chritsmas Fair!

A  huge thank you to the boys and girls in Primary 3 for all your hard work making the lovely enterprise gifts. Our stall raised a massive £63 for the school!

As you can see p3a were extrememly happy with their other pruchases from the stalls at the fair.


Visit to the Foundry

Yesterday we visited the Barrhead Foundry. We had a great time working with the library staff to choose and stamp out our new library books. We all chose a book from the juniour section of the library to take back to school to read during our private reading time.

At the library we also recieved our ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags. When we got back to school we enjoyed using all of the new resources we recieved in our bags.

Some of us read our new books and some of us decided to use our new note books to write stories inspired by our visit. We read our stories out infront of the class.

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