World Book Day 2019

We kicked off World Book Day with some maths and numeracy. The book we are reading this term is Esio Trot. We are really enjoying this book so far and learning about Mrs Silvers Tortoise. We used our numeracy skills to weigh out the different weights of the torotises in Esio Trot. We had to change our scales into ounces and we learned that 16 ounces was the same as 1lb.


















We then ordered our objects from lightest to heaviest. We all had a turn to feel the weight of all of the objects and imagined them as tortoises.








After break we spent some time pair reading. We shared our favourite stories with our peers, telling them what we liked about the book. We had a great time!

Miss McFlynn and Primary 3a 🙂



Homework WB 4th March

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘or’ words – spelling list number 22.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘or’ words – Spelling list number 29.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

Successes and Achievements 

Pupils have been issued with whole school homework this week. This week pupils have to discuss their successes and achievements. All pupils have been issued with a sheet to record this information on.

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂

World Book Day

On Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day. Throughout the day we will be completing a varitey of tasks based on books we have read in class and at home.

For Thursday could all pupils bring in their favourite book if it is one they have from home.  All pupils will be given an opportunity on Thursday to explain to their peers why their chosen book is their favourite.


Thanks, Miss McFlynn 🙂

Image result for world book day 2019

HW WB 25/2/19


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘ou’ words – spelling list number 21.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘oy’ words – Spelling list number 28.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

Along with this homework P3 also have Fairtrade Homework to complete (see post below).

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂


Coffee and Chat

Hi All!

Just a little reminder that there is a coffee and chat for P3 parents/carers on Wednesday morning in the school’s family room from 09:15-10:00.

We are going to be discussing digital technologies used for homework and children’s solo talks on the rainforest which will be coming up towards the end of term!

We look forward to seeing you then 🙂

Miss Queen and Miss McFlynn x

See the source image

Library Books

Could all pupils please make sure that they have brought back the book that they chose at the Foundry last time by Tuesday so that we can return them on our next library visit.

Thanks, Miss McFlynn 🙂

HW WB 18/02/19


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘oi’ words – spelling list number 20.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘oi’ words – Spelling list number 27.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.


Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂

HW WE 15/2/19


As it is a short week this week the children have been given the same words from last week to practice in preparation for our assessment on Friday. They can practice these by writing them in their jotters or verbally.

T-Rex’s & Triceratops L.I: ‘er’ words – spelling list 19.

  • drip
  • plug
  • third
  • winter
  • bird
  • over
  • hurt
  • butterfly
  • thirty
  • forty

Pterodactyls L.I: ‘ow’ words – spelling list 26.

  • big
  • fox
  • milk
  • how
  • owl
  • brown
  • town
  • could
  • should
  • flowerpot


For numeracy this week primary 3a should practice the 3, 5 and 10 times tables. There have been tasks assigned on Education City for this.

Any issues please speak to Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework WB 4/2/19


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘er’ words – spelling list number 19.

Ptersodactyls L.I: ‘ow’ words –  Spelling list number 26.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


Numeracy homework has been issued on Education City. All children should have their log ins for this in the back of their jotters or in their folders.

If there are any issues please contatct Miss McFlynn 🙂


Read, Write, Count

Has your child received a P2 or P3 Read Write Count bag this autumn/winter?

Please let us know what you thought by filling out the Parent survey:

The prize draw for parents is a personal Read Write Count GOODIE BAG filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline to complete this is Monday 4 March 2019.

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