Homework WB 23/4/19

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: silent ‘c’ sound – spelling list number 26.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘’ sound – Spelling list number 33.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

The children have been tasked with reading for enjoyment this week. They have to choose a book, comic, magazine or news article that they enjoy reading at home. Please read this each night this week discussing what it is your child enjoys about this piece of text. Children will be asked to share their text with the class on Friday.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 3 tasks to be completed for friday.

If you have any issues please contact Miss McFlynn 🙂

Solo Talks

Just before the holidays primary 3a completed their solo talks on The Rainforest. I was blown away with the time and effort that had been spent creating these talks. They were amazing! As a class we listened to each other’s talks and gave comments and questions at the end of each one. Here are some pictures of us in action.




We have just completed our block of gymnastics in term 2. Over the weeks we learned many new skills and improved on some of the skills we learned in primary 2.

Here are some pictures of us practising our balancing. We worked together to create different balances using all different parts of our bodies.

Homework WB 15.04.19

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: silent ‘h’ sound – spelling list number 25.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘er’ sound – Spelling list number 32.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 3 tasks to be completed for friday.

If you have any issues please contact Miss McFlynn 🙂

Homework WB 25.03.19

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: silent ‘h’ sound – spelling list number 25.

Pterodactyls L.I:  ‘er’ sound – Spelling list number 32.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 3 tasks to be completed for friday.

If you have any issues please contact Miss McFlynn 🙂

Google Drive

If any of the pupils have used a digital device to make their presentation for the Rainforest then please upload it to their google drive so that it can be accessed from school. Instructions to do this are below.

  1. Search for google drive on the internet. If you are using a tablet, mobile or ipad you can dowload an app for google drive.
  2. Once you are on the link www.google.com/drive it will ask you to log in.
  3. Log in using pupils glow email address which is what they use to get onto the class chromebooks, although you need to add @er.glow.scot to the end. For example ‘gw17surnamethenfirst@er.glow.scot’. Their password is the same one that they use to get onto the schools chromebooks.
  4. Then once logged on click the button on the top left hand corner that says ‘new +’. You then select upload file and can choose from your documents which file you want to upload.
  5. Once the file is uploaded it should appear in ‘My Drive’. This can then be accessed by the pupils from school.

You can also access google drive from the tab on pupils Glow homepage. To access glow you:

  1. Search for ‘glow rm unify’ on google.
  2. Log in using glow username e.g. ‘gw17surnamefirstname@glow’. Password is the same as what pupils use in school.
  3. Once accessed it will take you to your childs GLOW homepage which should look like the picture below.
  4. From there you can access any of the websites and resources we use in school, including google drive.



If you have any further questions please ask Miss McFlynn 🙂 Hope this helps!

Homework WB 18/3/19

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘y’ makes ‘ee’ sound – spelling list number 24.

Pterodactyls L.I: ‘nk’ makes ‘ng’ sound – Spelling list number 31.

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 2 tasks to be completed for friday.

Social Studies
Preparation of solo talk. Can all presentations please be handed in on Friday of this week. If you need any materials for this please ask Miss McFlynn.

Homework WB 11/3/19

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘ey’ words – spelling list number 23.

  • money
  • honey
  • donkey
  • chimney
  • journey
  • film
  • kept
  • thousand
  • million
    Pterodactyls L.I: ‘al’ words – Spelling list number 30.
  • bad
  • vet
  • fact
  • all
  • talk
  • walk
  • stalk
  • chalk
  • made
  • their
  • beanstalk

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


All children have been issued with a new reading book this week. Children should read this book every night with an adult. Please use the reading marker for ideas of activties you can do with your child when reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Sumdog. This is an online programme where pupils play different games relating to maths to earn points. All pupils have been issued with their sumdog username and password, however, please ask if they have lost this.

This week East Renfrewshire is running a competition on Sumdog and the winning class will receive a 6 month subscription to the full online programme. Last competition P5a won. Lets see if P3a can be the winners this time!

Social Studies 

Preparation of solo talk. See blog post below.

Solo Talk

Primary 3’s topic this term is ‘The Rainforest’. We have learned lots about the rainforest so far and have really enjoyed it. We have learned that the rainforest has 4 layers and have looked a bit further into the living things that can be found in each of these layers.

At the end of March the boys and girls in P3 will be delivering a solo talk about an animal that lives in the rainforest. Over the next 2 weeks part of the pupils homework will be to create a presentation about their chosen animal. This presentation can be in the form of a poster, poem, powerpoint, video or song… you choose! They will then present their findings to the rest of the class.

We would ask that if pupils are using digital technologies to create their presentation that they save it onto their google drive once complete in order for it to be shown in school. This can be accessed through their glow log in.

Can all pupils bring their finished presentations in by Friday 22nd March.

If you need any materials or have any questions about the solo talk please ask Miss McFlynn 🙂

Image result for rainforest clip art

WE 8/3/19

This week we spent some time outdoors using the new equipment with P3b. We worked hard together to build a den using the wooden planks.

We also worked together to build some towers with the tyres. Look how tall they are!

We can’t wait to go outdoors again next week!

REMINDER: Can all pupils remember to bring in warm clothes and shoes that are suitable for outdoor learning. These may get dirty so if possible can it be old clothes.

Thanks Miss McFlynn and P3a 🙂

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