Health Week

We have had a fantastic week this week participating in all the activities for Health Week. We kicked off health week with a bit of dance. Thank you so much to Holly for teaching us this amazing routine!

We then made some delicious fruit kebabs. We got to try lots of different fruits like mango, pineapple, apricot and melon.

We also didn’t let the bad weather stop us from enjoying our sports day. Well done to those who placed in the races.

School Trip

We had a blast at Rouken Glen on Monday. Here are some pictures from our adventures that day. We loved feeding the ducks, playing in the park and going on a woodland walk.

Outdoor Learning

Over the past few weeks we have been making the most of the lovely weather by taking our learning outside. We love being outside learning new and exciting things. We went outside to practice telling the time on numeracy. We used natural materials to create a clock face on the ground together working as a team.

We also went outside to practice our numbers to 100. We spoke about odds and evens and created our own number lines.

We also worked with P3b outside to practice our times tables. We used stones, sticks and leaves found in the playground to show each calculation and the answers.

Homework WB 20.5.19

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘tion’ sound – spelling list number 29

must, stuck, nation, station, relation, action, fiction, dictionary, minute, second

Pterodactyls L.I: ‘au’ sound – Spelling list number 35.

map, fix, jump, fault, pause, haunt, August, after, every, astronaut

Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times.
Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.


Please can you have a look in the house for any school reading books. Some of the children haven’t handed back in reading books from previous weeks and unfortunately another reading book cannot be given home until the last was returned.

The children have been assigned new reading books this week. Please read with them every night. Feel free to use the reading marker for ideas of activities to do whilst reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 3 tasks to be completed for Thursday.

If you have any issues please contact Miss McFlynn 🙂

Digital Learning Week

This week we celebrated Digital Learning Week. Throughout the week we got the chance to use lots of different digital technologies in class to enhance our learning.

To kick off our week we visited the hall to see and use all the digital equipment we have in the school. The digital leaders showed us how to use it all.

We then used the chrome books to practise our spelling for this week.  We used google docs to type up our words and also created stop motion films that show us spelling our words.

During literacy we started learning about comic books. We looked at the layout of comic books and spoke about why we enjoyed reading them. We then worked together in groups to create our own comic books. We created characters and a storyline and drew this on our storyboard. Using the app ‘Book Creator’ on the IPads we then began to create our own digital comic book. We had so much fun using our imaginations and working together.

We had so much fun using digital technologies this week!!!

Homework WB 13th May

T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI: ‘ear’ sound – spelling list number 28.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘ur’ sound – Spelling list number 34.
Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times.

Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

The children have been assigned new reading books this week. Please read with them every night. Feel free to use the reading marker for ideas of activities to do whilst reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 3 tasks to be completed for friday.

If you have any issues please contact Miss McFlynn 🙂


We have started learning about magnets in Science this week. We know that magnets have a North Pole and a South Pole. Magnets can attract other materials and they can also repel material. When magnets attract other materials they are drawn close to them.

We had lots of fun using the different magnets around the classroom to see which materials were magnetic.

We carried out an investigation in the class to test the magnetism of different objects. First we predicted if the material was going to attract or repel the magnet. Then we tested the object with a magnet to see if our predictions were right.

Homework 8th May 2019

All of the classes in St Mark’s Primary have a Class Blog to showcase their learning. This week Primary 3’s homework is to share their class blog with their family and friends at home.

Please use the ABCS of Listening and Talking to discuss your child’s blog. Once completed please fill in the Form below to provide us with feedback.

To complete the form you must log in by using your child’s glow username and password with ‘’ at the end of the username. The boys and girls will know their log in.

For example:

WB 29th May 2019

In numeracy we have been learning about time. We have been learning to tell the time using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past on analogue and digital clocks. We are coming to the end of our topic of time so we decided to take our learning outdoors for some revision.

We used chalk to draw our clock faces and found natural materials from the playground to make the clock hands. We had lots of fun working together to make our clocks and then competing against one another in a head to head game of “stop the clock”.

We have also been learning about drama techniques this week.  We have started learning about freeze frames. We know that in a freeze frame we are not allowed to talk so we have to make sure we are making use of our facial expressions and body language to show the image.

In literacy we have been looking at setting. We have been listening to some descriptions of settings from our favourite books in the class library. On Thursday we had a discussion about what makes a good description of a setting and the most popular answer was adjectives.  We then looked at some different pictures of settings that we might use to write our own stories and worked together to record as many adjectives as we could to describe the pictures.

Homework WB 29/4/19

Apologies for the late posting of homework this week. Don’t worry if you have not completed Monday’s work.


T-Rex’s and Triceratops LI:  ‘are’ sound – spelling list number 27.
Pterodactyls L.I: ‘ir’ sound – Spelling list number 33.
Please use SACAWAC to write each word 3 times. Children should then use the activity guide at the front of their jotters to see which activity to complete each day.

The children have been assigned new reading books this week. Please read with them every night. Feel free to use the reading marker for ideas of activities to do whilst reading.

Numeracy homework this week is on Education City. All children have 3 tasks to be completed for friday.

If you have any issues please contact Miss McFlynn 🙂

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