January 4, 2019
by Mrs Nelson
Comments Off on Week 1 7th Jan 2019
Welcome back!
I hope everyone is rested after the Christmas break.
We have an exciting term to look forward to. Swimming letters have been issued and should be returned ASAP if you have not already done so. In addition to swimming, children will receive weekly PE on a Monday and should keep their PE kit in school as per last term.
In Science this term we are going to be exploring aspects of Space and continuing with living things, building upon last terms knowledge, with weather permitting we will should be able to plant some crops in the school garden which we can harvest and cook. This will help the children to relate to where their food comes from and we will be looking at sustainability and the impact of locally sourced produce on the environment.
In addition to utilising the garden, the children will gain more outdoor learning experiences across a variety of curricular areas. Please ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed for the weather to support us in these lessons.
Our topic this term will be Egypt and The Ancient Egyptians. This weeks whole school homework relates to these topics. There is a copy of this at the bottom of this post if your child has misplaced their paper copy.
Homework this term will be in a mixture of formats with whole school activities continuing, some jotter work and the use of Education city.
Education city homework is a fun way for children to practice skills and the program allows us to monitor progress, track errors and assign specific targets to specific individuals. It highlights errors and areas that individuals find challenging which allows us to plan and teach in a responsive manner. The activities assigned can be completed on a laptop, chromebook, tablet or phone or any device that has internet access.
Each child has their own login details. In P4b we have made this the childrens glow login to help them remember it easily along with a password. Anyone having issues with login or please contact the class teachers for support.
This week P4b have been assigned a spelling task (normal written spelling will resume next week) and 4 maths tasks focusing on multiplication and division of the 3 &4 times tables.
Pupils Leading Learning planning sheet homework P4b Wc 7th Jan 2019
Thank you.
Mrs Nelson.