Roman Soldiers

Primary 4b have been thoroughly enjoying learning about The Romans as part of their interdisciplinary topic. This week the children learned about Julius Caesar and what life would have been like in the Roman Army. The children worked in pairs to research the uniform a Roman Soldier would have worn and everyone agreed it did not sound appealing!

RSPB Bird Watch

On Friday afternoon, Primary 4 took part in the RSPB Bird Watch which is the UK’s biggest citizen science wildlife survey. By taking part, the children were helping the RSPB understand how our garden birds are doing right now in the UK. Primary 4 have successfully ticked off another signature learning experience from their ‘Make Your Mark’ passport. Well done everyone!

Make Your Mark

Primary 4b had a great morning making bird feeders – an experience from their ‘Make Your Mark’ passport. The boys and girls had a go at using the ‘make do’ resources to cut and slice through the cardboard and the end results were fantastic! Tomorrow afternoon we will hang the bird feeders outside and take part in the RSPB birdwatch campaign.

Last Day Fun

It was a really exciting day in Primary 4b to mark the start of the Christmas Holidays. We started the morning with a fun STEM activity  where each group had to design a maze for a furry snowball. After break the class split into teams to compete in a Christmas themed quiz, team Snowman were the winners.

We finished off the day with a fun afternoon of party games and dancing. A great start to the holidays indeed!

Stop Motion Films

Primary 4b have completed filming their stop motion animations about the journey the Three Wise Men took to meet Jesus.

Click on the links below to watch our animations.








The children have been learning about the Christmas Story and in particular, the account of the Magi. They have been discussing that, just as the Magi journeyed together to Bethlehem, so during Advent we are all  journeying towards Christmas. In order to demonstrate their understanding of the events, the children will be creating their very own stop motion films, which will focus on the journey The Magi took to meet the Baby Jesus.

In preparation for filming, they have been working hard scripting and preparing backdrops for each scene. Keep your eyes peeled as the completed videos will be posted soon!