Roman Numerals

Today Primary 4b investigated and discussed the importance of numbers in the world and explored the number system (Roman Numerals) that were used by Romans to record numbers. They were able to identify that Roman Numerals are still used today on clock faces, books and sun dials! Everyone enjoyed working at active stations, cracking codes using the numerals and designing posters.

World Book Day

Primary 4b had a fantastic time celebrating ‘World Book Day’. We started off by listening to two very interesting stories about Scottish mythical creatures. We used these stories as inspiration to create our own fantasy creatures and then began to create a comic strip detailing an adventure our creatures had. We then went outside for a book scavenger hunt and finished the day off by having a book chat with the children in Primary 5b.

Also a big well done to Erin who created a fantastic book recommendation box for our school Library!


Today Primary 4b started a new French topic – animals. The children enjoyed learning the names of different animals in French and used this knowledge to create a  game where you have to match a picture of an animal to its name written in French.  I can’t wait to play it!


Plastic Pollution

Today Primary 4b started to create presentations on the impact of plastic pollution. These presentations will be shared with the wider school community to highlight the devastating impact of plastic pollution on our planet. A very big well done to Emily, Erin and Rida who have spent the past week creating presentations at home! A fantastic effort girls.

Religious Education

Today Primary 4b were learning about the importance of forgiveness. The children worked in pairs to locate, and then read, a story from the Bible about a man called Zacchaeus. In the story, the children learned that Zacchaeus had sinned by stealing money from the people in his town. Jesus forgave Zacchaeus and he became a better person. The children enjoyed acting out this story in their groups and had a very interesting discussion about how it feels to be forgiven.


Ocean Pollution Research

We have been using our Daily Literacy sessions this week to research the impact of ocean pollution. We have found some really interesting and shocking facts that we will use in our writing.

Thank you also to Orla who visited the beach at the weekend and brought in photographs of the plastic waste and rubbish she noticed.

Ocean Pollution

In Primary 4b, we have been keeping an eye on the RSPB website for the results of the bird watch we recently took part in. On this website, we were really upset to read the results of the recent RSPB Seabird count. We discovered that ‘almost half of the breeding seabird species have declined across the UK and two thirds of the species breeding in Scotland’. We decided as a class to research into these figures to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the world. Unfortunately, we soon discovered that plastic pollution had a lot to do with the decline in seabirds and we have decided as a class to create a campaign to reduce plastic pollution in our seas and oceans.

Erin – “I feel sad looking at the pictures because this is happening in our world.”

Milla – “I feel angry people have created this mess.”

David – “I feel sad that there really is this much junk in our oceans.”

Mary – “I feel upset because animals and fish shouldn’t be eating the plastic but they don’t know.”

Over the next week we hope to get our campaign up and running, watch this space!