We have been learning about different shapes in numeracy.
We went on a shape hunt around the classroom and found lots of circles, squares, rectangles and ovals. It was extra tricky to find a hexagon but we found one at the end of our pencils!
We have been learning about different shapes in numeracy.
We went on a shape hunt around the classroom and found lots of circles, squares, rectangles and ovals. It was extra tricky to find a hexagon but we found one at the end of our pencils!
On Friday, we had our first trip to the forest school! We climbed trees, played on the rope swing, sang some forest songs and made lovely forest crowns. Lots of fun!
Primary 2 will be issued homework through Google Classroom.
All children will receive a copy of their passwords on Monday 30th August.
This week pupils should all login to the Google classroom.
The Google account ends with @er.glow.scot.
A Meet the Teacher video will be shared on the Google Classroom on Wednesday 1st Sept.
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Thank you for all support so far using the Seesaw app for completing homework.
Below are a few notes to be aware of,
If you do not have access to a device that connects to the internet, for example a phone, tablet or laptop, then please contact the school office and leave a message for the class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss McAlpine & Miss McFlynn (Primary 1 teachers)
I have attached a short PowerPoint presentation as we cannot have a face-to-face open afternoon at the moment.
I hope this answers any questions you may have and gives you a good insight to our year ahead in Primary 1b.
Thank you for your time,
Miss McAlpine
Homework will be issued this Monday 31st August. On Monday your child will receive a red homework folder which will contain a yellow jotter for use when completing some homework tasks.
There will also be an information sheet in your child’s folder which explains how to access ‘seesaw’. This will be the remote learning app we will be using to assign and complete homework tasks each week. The sheet provides you with a QR code which can be used to log in to your child’s profile.
Over the coming weeks Seesaw will also be used to share pupil’s learning from the classroom. More information on this will be provided during next weeks online open afternoon on Wednesday 2nd September. A video presentation will be posted on this class blog at 3pm on Wednesday which will explain what the year ahead will look like in P1.
All homework tasks will be issued on a Monday, however, we ask that the phonics sounds are practised daily. Any other tasks can be completed throughout the week on a day that suits best to allow for after school activities and other commitments. Homework should be completed for Thursday night in order to be marked on Friday.
The video link below explains a little bit more about using seesaw at home.
If you have any questions please ask.
Miss McAlpine 🙂
Hello everyone and welcome to Primary 1b’s class blog!
The blog will be used over the next few weeks tp update you with any information.
Some important information:
Our PE days will be Wednesdays and Fridays this year. As we will be making the most of the outdoors this year during PE can you make sure that your child has outdoor shoes, long trousers and a jumper/jacket with a hood with them on these days. PE kits can be left in school each week. Below is the PE kit guidance.
Indoor kit required:
Outdoor kit required:
Already I can see that the pupils are so eager and willing to learn. They have settled in brilliantly over the past week and I am very proud of them all. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds!
I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all!
Take care,
Miss McAlpine 🙂
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