Over the last few weeks we have been learning all about inherited characteristics in animals and humans. We had great fun using mirrors to look and see the colour of our hair and eyes and the shape of our ears. We also enjoyed seeing if we could twirl our tongues.
Fun Fact Finding
The boys and girls have really enjoyed using the chromebooks to independently use A search engine to find facts about endangered sea creatures. Lots of children are keen to help save green sea turtles, axolotl, hammer head sharks and fin whales. They created fact files about their chose sea creature and found out where they lived and why they were in danger, they even came up with lots of interesting suggestions of how to save them!
P7 Anderson Shelter Showcase
Thank you to P7 for inviting us to their showcase. Their models were outstanding and they taught us lots about World War 2.
British Science Week
We had a fabulous morning celebrating British science week by first making a ballon rocket and learning lots about forces.
Then we had to build a way to get Rapunzel out of tower as her hair was cut off!
Every group had a different amazing idea! Chat to your parents about how you would save Rapunzel!
We also drew labelled diagrams to share our finding.
Celebrating Achievements
We are all so proud of Max for making his own book! We loved listening to the Pokémon Adventure. Max was inspired to write a book after doing lots of research about Roald Dahl.
Fire at Forest School
Today the boys and girls took what they have learned about fire to the playground and lit their own fairy pillow.
We even toasted marshmallows on our fires.
This was one of our Make your Marks Achievements we got to stamp off today!
British Science Week
Thank you to the STEAM Leaders for kicking British Science Week off with an amazing challenge! In groups we made tinfoil boats and tested them to see if they float and how much they held. Tell you parents who the winner was!
Magic Maths
We really enjoyed our maths challenge today. We had to create the most valuable picture.
– stones = 1
– leaves = 2
-sticks = 3
Explain to your family what you created today!
Inspirational People: Greta Thunberg
We have been learning about the inspirational person Greta Thunberg. Inspired by her work we decided to create posters to stop climate change.
The boy and girls also stepped into Greta’s shoes and pretended they were at a summit talking to world leaders and told us all what we can do to make a change and stop climate change. They were all very passionate and gave an extremely convincing presentation! Well done boy and girls!
“Greta travelled to New York to meet world leaders on a sail boat because it’s emission-free” Milla.
“Greta Thunberg went on strike from school so world leaders would listen to her about climate change” Isla.
Mary’s Meals
A few months ago we wrote to Mr Magnus McFarlane- Barrow (the founder of Mary’s Meals) to ask if he could come and visit our school and tell us more about Mary’s Meals.
We were fortunate enough today to have a visit from a Mary’s Meal Volunteer, John Duffy who told us about his travels around the world to help children have a meal at school. He showed us lots of photos from his travels to help us understand what life is like for some children in Malawi and Haiti and how Mary’s Meals help them go I school and get a meal.