
Primary 2 will be issued homework through Google Classroom.

All children will receive a copy of their passwords on Monday 30th August.

This week pupils should all login to the Google classroom.

The Google account ends with @er.glow.scot.

A Meet the Teacher video will be shared on the Google Classroom on Wednesday 1st Sept.


Homework Expectations

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Thank you for all support so far using the Seesaw app for completing homework.

Below are a few notes to be aware of,

  • Every Friday, the class teacher is recording who has completed the homework so all tasks should be completed by then.
  • The homework posted to the site is reviewed regularly. Once the teacher has seen the homework, they will approve and like the task. Sometimes, a comment will be added, this will not be done for every task.
  • Sometimes homework will be posted on a Friday for the following week. Please do not complete the homework over the weekend.
  • If a task is posted with a date that it should be completed on, please complete it on this date. If the task is completed early, children might not have covered the learning in class.

If you do not have access to a device that connects to the internet, for example a phone, tablet or laptop, then please contact the school office and leave a message for the class teacher.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss McAlpine & Miss McFlynn (Primary 1 teachers)


Hello everyone and welcome to Primary 1b’s class blog!

The blog will be used over the next few weeks tp update you with any information.

Some important information:

Our PE days will be Wednesdays and Fridays this year. As we will be making the most of the outdoors this year during PE can you make sure that your child has outdoor shoes, long trousers and a jumper/jacket with a hood with them on these days. PE kits can be left in school each week. Below is the PE kit guidance.

Indoor kit required:

  • black plimsolls
  • black shorts
  • either a red/white/yellow t-shirt

Outdoor kit required:

  • trainers (old ones which can be kept in school)
  • black joggers/leggings
  • black jumper/sweatshirt
  • rain jacket

Already I can see that the pupils are so eager and willing to learn. They have settled in brilliantly over the past week and I am very proud of them all. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds!

I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all!

Take care,

Miss McAlpine 🙂

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