Author: Mrs Murphy Murphy

Deforestation Debate

Primary 4b have been continuing with their topic ‘Life on Land’. Following on from their research on habitats around the world, this week they were learning about deforestation. The children explored the impact of deforestation on the living things that depend on rainforest habitats. It was interesting to learn however that some people believe deforestation is necessary. The children split into two teams and began to prepare for a debate!


Primary 4b have started to explore a new text type – narrative. Last week they watched a clip from a film favourite Monsters Inc. and created describing bubbles for two of the main characters. This week we started to look at the features of a narrative, specifically the orientation. Everyone worked well in their groups to create a range of sentences including the main features of an orientation: who? where? when?

Well done, everyone! I can’t wait to read the finished products.

Friday Fun in the Sun

Primary 4b made the most of the beautiful weather on Friday with lots of opportunities for outdoor learning.

During Loose Parts Play the children were tasked with creating a habitat for a creature, big or small, including the three things needed for survival: food, shelter and water. Each team worked well together and were able to meet the design brief. One group created a minibeast hotel that even had a guest visitor!

In the afternoon the children finished their research about habitats around the world and presented this to their peers outside before making use of the trim trail for a Friday afternoon treat.


After spending time learning about habitats and mapping potential Minibeast habitats found in the playground, Primary 4b explored these habitats further to look for minibeasts. The children found a wide variety of creatures and were pleased to add this information to their maps.

Life on Land

Last week we started our new topic ‘Life on Land’. We explored the Global Goals and discussed how we can all play our part to make the world a better place. Our topic focuses on Global Goal 15 – Life on Land. We explored the habitats found in our playground and made maps to display where these habitats are found.