Author: Mrs Murphy Murphy

Trip Budgeting

Primary 4b have been working hard all week to plan a class trip. Each group were given a £900 budget and asked to calculate the total each trip would cost. Each group applied addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies to calculate totals and budget remaining.


P4b have been working on Global Goal 15. In Art, the pupils have started looking at sea creatures. ‘Sardines on a Plate’ study was a great introduction to still life drawing skills and colour studies.

Library Visit

Today Primary 4b enjoyed the opportunity to visit our school Library. The children had finished reading their books and got the chance to find out about what others in the class had been reading. The children used Blooms Taxonomy Reading fans to support the book chat and helped them ask each other questions like: ‘who was the main character?‘, ‘where did the story take place?‘ and ‘have you read a story like this before?’. Everyone agreed they had a good idea of a book they would like to read next after this interesting discussion.


Today in Music, Primary 4 got the chance to work in groups and match the correct rhythm to the rhyme. Everyone then enjoyed the opportunity to perform the rhythm to each other. At the end of the lesson, the children began to think about lyrics for their own songs.

Zones of Regulation

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week last week, Primary 4b spent some time learning about their own emotions and how to support themselves when they are finding their emotions challenging. To help with identifying emotions, we discussed the ‘Zones of Regulation’. Everyone created beautiful paintings showing the emotions you may experience in the different zones.

Pentecost and Maths

To mark the beginning of ‘Laudato Si Week‘ we took part in a quiet reflection outdoors. We reflected on the Feast of Pentecost and took part in contemplative prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide us.

When we returned to class we discussed the gifts the Holy Spirit bestowed on The Disciples and created gift boxes with these gifts displayed. This was a real problem solving task as we had to identify the correct net for the 3D object and then work together to create the cube.