Month: November 2023

World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s global day of action for children. An important part of World Children’s Day is children and young people learning about their rights and raising their voices on issues that affect them.

In Primary 4b we had a discussion about the importance of all children having an awareness of their rights and how powerful a child’s voice can be if there is an injustice or rights are not being upheld.

Anti Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week took place from the 13th – 17th November 2023 and focused on the theme of ‘Listen Up! (Respect our Rights)’ – because bullying is never acceptable.

Primary 4 spent time discussing what different forms of bullying may look like and who they can reach out to if they need support. Everyone enjoyed taking part in drama activities to explore the topic further.

Learning Assembly

Primary 4 have been working hard to prepare for their class learning assembly which will take place on the 8th December. In preparation for the assembly, the children have been learning about symbols of Advent. Last week they learned about the Advent Wreath and had a chance to make their own.

Sweet Treat Creations

Primary 4b have been working hard in their collaborative groups to design and create a new sweet treat, inspired by the work of Willy Wonka in our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Their ideas, names and slogans are listed below.

Rollilops – have created a  sauce that you pour over leftovers to turn into a delicious dessert called ‘Chocolate Pop’.

Every drop makes your leftovers pop!

Gumdrops – have created a chocolate bar with edible wrappers that give you energy called ‘Level Up’.

Take one bite and you will be super fast!

Chocolate Secrets  – have created a chocolate bar that can help you time travel called ‘Dream Come True’.

Every bite visits a new or old time.

The Chocolate Fudge Force  have created an everlasting chocolate bar called ‘The Cocoa fusion’.

The everlasting delicious chocolate bar.

Sweet Treat Creation have created a chocolate bar that makes you levitate called  ‘Galaxy Marshmallow Floats’.

Every bite lifts you up.