
Primary 4b enjoyed taking part in their weekly writing lesson. The children were using the ‘describing bubble’ to come up with a detailed description of a dog. Everyone took part in the class discussion and generated adjectives or statements about the dog. Take a look at some of our work!

Collaborative Learning / Skills

In Primary 4b we have been discussing the skills needed for life and work. Everyone chose a skill to develop over the next month and displayed it on our skills wall.

We then worked together in our new collaborative groups to create a group name and design a group flag. During this activity we used skills such as focussing, communicating, adapting and leading.

3D Shape

Today Primary 4b took part in active stations where they explored simple 3D objects and 2D shapes. The children were able to identify, name and describe their features using appropriate vocabulary. Well done everyone!

Forest School

It was another exciting trip to the Forest today for Primary 4b. The children started with a relaxing Forest bath, during which they listened to the sounds of nature. After the bath the children reported that they felt:
FRM – happy, calm & relaxed
EA – ultra relaxed
RA – calm and I liked meditating
ML – sleepy
EH – enthusiastic
DB – calm
After the relaxing forest bath the children enjoyed a fun game and then made dens with their friends! Everyone could identify a good place to make their den and demonstrated excellent communicating skills.

Quentin Blake

This week in Primary 4b we have been looking at the life and work of Quentin Blake. Quentin Blake illustrated our current class book study ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.

We researched and found out interesting facts about Quentin Blake:

Quentin Blake’s first picture was published when he was sixteen – EH.

He wrote a book called ‘Patrick’ – PW.

He illustrated all of Roald Dahl’s books except one – OQ.

Quentin Blake was born on the 16th of December in London – DB.

He illustrated ‘Mr Stink’ by David Walliams – EH.

We then took an interactive tour of his studio and we were really surprised to see how messy it was!

Finally we took part in an Art lesson hosted by Quentin Blake himself. He taught us how to draw Willy Wonka.

We also discussed our thoughts and opinions on his work:

I like his work because I think the sketching is artistic – RA.

I like his work because I think he is talented – DB.

I do not like his work because I think it looks rushed – OQ.

I like his work because it looks funky and a bit different -EH.

A Week in P4b!

This week in Primary 4b we have enjoyed learning across the curriculum.

On Monday, we took part in PE and worked on our fitness levels.

Erin – everyone was trying their best in PE.

Isla – We worked in groups at different stations.

Orla  – My favourite station was the sprinting station.

On Thursday we visited Forest School for the first time in Primary 4. At Forest School we got to play fun games and spend time exploring.

Sarah – I loved sitting in the hammock.

Rida – I liked making and going down the mud slide.

Orla – I liked playing on the big swing.

Erin – I liked when we made a mud swimming pool.

Max – I liked playing ‘beetle tig’.

Our book study is well and truly underway and this week we made fact files about the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl.

Emily – Roald Dahl was also a spy.

Milla – Roald Dahl fought in WW2.

Andrew – Roald Dahl created 250 new words, including snozzberry.

Rida – Roald Dahl wrote all his stories on yellow paper with a pencil.


Erin – I liked that our parents got to visit the class this week.

Orla – I liked doing Numeracy this week.

Isla – I liked creating a quiz in Numeracy.

Well done to our award winners this week: Emily, Sarah and Mary! Well done also to Isla who walked 10km on Sunday for charity.

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