Today we were investigating living and non living things. We took our learning outdoors and then learned all about the things that living things need to survive.
Month: September 2022
Health and Wellbeing
Primary 3 enjoyed working together during PE to play listening games and team games.
We have been learning…
“We have been learning about place value in numeracy”. Dakota
“We have been learning about 3 digit numbers”. Emily
“We have been learning and making symmetrical patterns”. Eesa
“Where food goes on the nutrition wheel, then we made used what we learned to make a healthy smoothie.” Erin
“We wrote a recipe for a healthy smoothie then followed the instructions to make a smoothie.” Farah Rose
The boys and girls are demonstrating determination to solve numeracy problems. We have explored number buddies to 10, patterns and quick mental strategies to add and subtract 9. Keep up the hard work boys and girls!
George’s Marvellous Medicine
Primary 3 are enjoying listening to George’s Marvellous Medicine by Rohal Dahal. Today the boys and girls explored the character description of Grandma. They reread an extract form chapter 1: Grandma in their groups. Then highlighted all the adjectives in the passage, pink. All the connectives yellow. And all the punctuation green. The boys and girls discovered speech marks and are excited to learn how to use speech marks tomorrow.
The boys and girls used what they had learned to write fabulous sentences including interesting adjectives to describe Grandma.
Alan also enjoyed our fine motor skills activities earlier this week and completed them all so fast!