P5 Pet Shop

As part of our Make Your Mark achievements, P5 had to organise a whole school recycling project.

After finding out that lots of toys end up in landfill.

1. We started with collecting lots of soft toys.

2. We washed and prepared the toys for resale.

3. We sold the toys to their new homes.



Anti-Bullying Week

Last week was Anti-bullying week and we completed a series of lesson focusing on different types of bullying, the impact of bullying and how to speak out.

During the week some children also prepared a scene from “Sophie Rules” to present to P3 and P4 about bullying.

The Equalities group also led a workshop where all of P5 worked together to talk about the physical, mental and emotional impacts of bullying.

The Journey of a river

Over the last fews weeks we’ve been learning about the journey of a river and applying this knowledge to our topic ‘ The Craigie to the Clyde’.

We’ve explored the upper, middle and lower parts of the river and the different features of each part. We’ve followed the journey of Aurs Burn, to Brockburn all the way to the River Clyde.

We have recognised how features of rivers such as waterfalls, gorges and meanders are formed.

Finally we recreated our own river journeys using makedo kits and cardboard. We applied our craft and mathematical knowledge to make freestanding 3d objects and just slopes and lines to control the flow of the water. We worked in teams to plan, cut and create some fabulous designs.


Climate Ready Classrooms

Keep Scotland Beautiful organised a full day of events focusing on Climate Change.

We had a variety of activities to prompt discussion, make connections with our real life and develop our knowledge of the causes and effect of Climate Change. The workshops were led by experts through Teams Meeting and follow up activities and experiment was carried out in class.


Maths Week Scotland

Great fun creating our own memory transporters as part of our Stem Challenge. In teams, they created different routes, some different levels and some with obstacles using a range of strategies. Many developed paper attachment strategies to make their route sturdy. It was great to see how different children demonstrated leadership skills, whilst others were creating and explaining their process.

Pond Dipping!

Our first Make your Mark experience was Pond Dipping.
We set off to Darnley where we met the Ranger. Our first task was orienteering. We had to follow a map to find 10 different points. At each point we found a letter which we had to record.
This involved lots of responsibility as we set off in groups in different directions.

Most groups found every point but it was quite a challenge to spot them all.

Next stop was pond dipping. It was quite a challenge as to see the best invertebrates you needed to be quiet so they didn’t get scared.

Of course finding the insects was only the first step we then had to identify them using classification questions, photos and information sheets.

Celtic Christian Traditions

As part of our RE we’ve been learning about how Celtic communities worshipped God.

We’ve looked at Arthurlie Cross, a local monument from between 10th-11th Century.

We’ve heard prayers and blessings from the Carmina Gadelica in both Gaelic and English.

We’ve also looked at the beautiful illustrations and recreated some of our own.