Gymnastics star!

Last Saturday Nuala Clark (Primary 6c) took part in a gymnastics competition. She won two gold medals in Grade 5!  Nuala performed two different routines which included acrobatics. Nuala shared her medals with the class and said:

“I was very happy when I won! I was quite surprised to win but I am really pleased because I’ve been training really hard.”119_2194


Epic European Collages

On Friday 6th May we had an Open Morning where parents came in to see our learning. They also helped us do our collages of a European landmark. We all had a lot of fun and enjoyed using different materials to make these collages. Here are some quotes from our class mates:

“I thought that it was really fun!” – Angus

“I liked how the parents were allowed to come and help us!” – Kate

“It was really fun because I like art.” – Eva

Bloggers – Laura and Aiden

The Digestive System Experiment

On Wednesday, we were looking at the digestive system in science. First of all we watched a couple of videos telling us all about the small and the large intestines. Once we had watched both of the videos we moved on to a very fun experiment! It involved getting very messy hands! We had to follow step by step instructions to succeed. 

First, you had to put some crackers and a banana in a bag and squeeze  them. Then you added orange juice and water. Once that was  done you had to pour the mixture into 1/2 a tight. All of the liquid (the food that could be digested) dripped out of the tights and into a metal tray. Everything that couldn’t be digested stayed in. Next you had to squeeze all of the remaining food that had not been digested into a paper cup that had a hole in the bottom. You pressed another plastic cup on top of the food and it will come out of the hole. This represented the food leaving the body.

‘It made me feel sick!’- Arran

‘It was fun.’- Leo

‘It was very messy!’- Joe

Bloggers- Rose and Arran115_1329 - Copy 115_1332 115_1303 115_1326