Super smoothies

Last week P6 made smoothies for the Primary 1 pupils. We were trying to raise awareness of Fairtrade products so that the Primary 1 pupils knew more about them. For example, if they were to go shopping with their family then they would spot the Fairtrade logo. We created our own recipes for smoothies  and we had a lot of fun!

We also designed posters for the P1 pupils to show them all the ingredients we had used and to learn about some fun facts on Fairtrade. We enjoyed making the posters and getting to work in our groups. We had 10 different groups. Some of the groups were: Berry blitz, Chuck em all in, Fairtrade Berry Blast, On the beach, The Strawberry and Banana Mash up and many more.

When we got to taste the lovely smoothies we were quite surprised because they were tastier than we thought!

Bloggers: Jenna Addie and Leo Francey112_1297 112_1279 112_1284 112_1299 112_1312 112_1304