February gone in a Flash!

Hello again. Start off with a quick update on the Eurovision contest that we mentioned last time – we didn’t win! However, we did have a lot of fun and we were proud that we did it on our own (and in our own way), just our class together, and that we sang the whole song in Spanish. Mr Burns has put the video on Google Classroom for us to show you. Another highlight was the Science Centre trip, and not just because we got to lose Burnsy for the first couple of hours (and got Mrs Burns instead!), but we’ve not had too many trips (Covid etc) so that was good and the Science Centre itself was great fun, dare we say educational and interesting too. We never lost anyone either which was good, if not surprising.

Lent has started and you know that some of us are trying to do ‘Do Without Wednesdays’ – basically do without a snack at first break on the Wednesdays (fasting) and also where possible to give the money the snack would have cost to our class SCIAF Wee Box (almsgiving). We’re trying to say even more prayers during Lent, praying being the third focus, and of course we have our own Lenten promises which we are trying just to keep to ourselves. We had Ashes in school on Ash Wednesday whilst watching P4 and P6 at church with Canon Eddie and the congregation.

We’ve been Outdoors three times since last speaking, there are pictures from 2 of them as the weather wasn’t fantastic one week – Mr Burns was too busy hiding under a tree. We had a go at estimating then measuring and seeing how our estimates matched up, both length and weight. Then the next week we had a go at bigger distances with the trundle wheel, we even talked about speed as a result of our discussions. Just the other day we got Gabriel & Co’s bath toys out (rubber ducks) and made some bird nests. They worked out very well as you can see – didn’t quite realise that there are so many different types of bird nest styles. Rugby during P.E. currently, can’t wait (neither can Mr Burns by the sounds of things) for the full contact week that he keeps talking about……………

We mentioned our Learning Expedition last time as well and that is going well, we’ve changed a few things as we’ve gone along which is good – adapting to the situation. We don‘t want to give too much away as we’ll be filling you in more on it all at the end of March just before the Easter holidays. Other notable things in class is that during Maths we have been focusing on all aspects of Time whilst also being involved in a set of lesson on Financial Skills provided by Barclays – we’re halfway through that and it’s good talking about real life and the sort of decisions that will be coming our way. We’ve also been practising our diary writing skills over the last few weeks, focusing on a more informal style, whilst still being technically correct and entertaining. One of the diary entries was ‘Our First Day at School’ which invited all these excellent photographic contributions which Mr Burns has put together and put up in our classroom.

That’s about it in terms of being newsworthy other than having some major league thinkers on World Thinking Day and also wearing yellow in support of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

Feel free to leave a wee comment as usual.


One thought on “February gone in a Flash!”

  1. Sounds like you packed in lots in a short month 5b. Thank you for sharing the pictures- it’s great to see what you all get up to and looking so happy. School is different to when your parents were wee!

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