Been May-hem as usual

Cracking spell of weather as we write this, makes all the difference. Long may it continue! The time since Easter has gone like a flash and we only really have 3 weeks really to go until the summer holidays with P6 (yes, Primary 6!) beckoning. We’ve been working hard as usual, Fractions, Decimals, poetry, ‘Narnia’, Mandarin, apostrophes, and so on, but we’ve also got quite a few different things to tell you about with plenty of pictures.

When we came back from Easter we had a 2 week Science focus, for us it was all about chemical reactions. It was interesting to think about where we just see changes of state and where we see an actual chemical reaction with new materials being formed. We performed a fun experiment in class with a surgical glove! Continuing on the STEAM theme we grabbed some cardboard and had a rare time building some imaginative creations with ‘Makedo’ tools. We also did some ‘SCRATCH’ coding and had a play about with some SPHEROS. We really enjoy this sort of thing and it’s amazing how you can learn by just diving in and having a go.

We then started our new mini-Expedition, ‘What Matters to Me’. Same idea as the last one where we take control. We’ve come up with topics such as family, religion, our future, the planet, being healthy and so on. We’re still going with all of that. Connected with these topics, we also celebrated Earth Day by considering the challenges our planet faces. We sent off our Lenten ‘Do Without Day’ contributions to SCIAF and said a Rosary decade a day for specific intentions throughout the month of May using our rosary beads. Sarah, Ezinne and Oscar also helped Miss Hillhouse with the Rosary club. The school’s had the communions and confirmation too, where some of us went along to support our families.

Heading outside, we’ve had a go at building some cairns (Burnsy’s lost the pics), undertook another community litter pick, concentrating heavily on the immediate area surrounding the school (some difference we made and it’s not school litter), built some dwellings for our favourite cuddly toys and also hijacked a crashmat during PE!

The St Cadoc’s Cup has been and gone, Declan made the final and we all enjoyed going round the classes each morning with the fixture sheet. Mr Burns gets his lunchtimes back now, we’re happy, less grumpy in the afternoon now hopefully. We also had the Spring Disco (so loud!), again Mr Burns couldn’t get his iPad working for photos and videos. We enjoyed our mini-World of Work week, just in our own class, where we talked about different jobs, interviewed people at home, considered the difference between skills and qualities and what ones we had and what ones we would like. Thanks to Sarah’s dad and Ryan’s mum for managing to come in and talk to us about their jobs.

That’s about it, a quick-fire stop of the variety of school. We also welcomed Zach to the class in the last week or so.

A whirlwind 3 weeks or so to come and then we’re all yours for 7 weeks! Are you excited? We are!

Bye for now

P5B boys and girls

p.s. we mentioned the Stations of the Cross on the last blog – some photos in here from there.