Marching into Spring!

Recent signs of a change in the weather, can at least now justify having the heating off folks. Just a quick update this month as, quite frankly, the holidays are calling and we’re exhausted from being so busy and working so hard. Hope you have some good times planned for us over the holidays???

Our Life Beyond Land Expedition has been a major focus for us since our last blog, resulting in it being a huge success. Our classroom has never looked so good, even our wall display outside. Mr Burns has said that he can’t remember any of his classrooms over the years looking so good and so full of varied pupil work. We’ve had lots of nice comments from other people too in the last few days. Well done us! We’ll not labour what we’ve been up to on here as we’ve got a bit of homework to do with you on the subject – but enjoy the photos. Oh that’s right we even got a play put on for us in the gym hall which was certainly different! Maya the Whale it was called – guest starring Umair D as Maya!

Being Lent, we’ve continued well with our Do Without Wednesdays for SCIAF. We don’t have a total yet as some people will hopefully continue during Holy Week (next week) and bring the money in after the Easter holidays, but we’ll let you know – been bringing in our home Wee Boxes too. We’ve also being doing a bit of Mission Mile, running / walking a mile a day in recognition of those that have to travel quite a distance each day just to get an education. We’ve been talking about forgiveness, the need to be nice to each other, the need to love each other, the Passion of Christ, Easter itself and we’re all set up to do Stations of the Cross outside (like last year) with Canon Eddie today. We’re set up for the Easter celebration in just over a week’s time! Eid too, with some fasting going on in here during Ramadan. Good for you.

We also recognised a couple of other charities in March – it was Down Syndrome Day on the 21st March and Sarah delivered a wee presentation so that we could learn a wee bit more about it. Some us wore odd socks to mark the occasion. We also had an input from Eczema Outreach Support which raised our awareness of the challenges young people with eczema face.

Venturing outside, we got involved in more litter collecting having watched a Keep Scotland Beautiful series of online lessons – hate litter. We also did a bit of Road Safety, going out and about investigating Pelican Crossings, Zebra Crossings and even Puffin Crossings! Quite a few representatives in the school cross country team too (Michael, Ryan, Lola and Maria), well done to them.

Ok, must dash, Mr Burns has got his coat on. Happy Easter to all is what he’s saying

P5B boys and girls




One thought on “Marching into Spring!”

  1. Awesome blog! Great to see all that the kids have been involved in and such a good range of topics/activities, too.

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