Mid–Sept to End of October: In the Groove

Where does the time go? Maybe there is something in, ‘time flies when you’re enjoying yourself’, however we do think that ‘enjoying’, in the context of school, is a little bit too much! Lots of us managed to get away for the October Week, some even to foreign shores, which helped to recharge the batteries for the next couple of months ahead.

After our last blog, telling of all our routines etc. that we’d put in place, we’ve noticed being a lot busier. With school work it has to be said, but that can be fun too as we’ve found out – fill you in on that later. However, there’s also been many other things happening as well (we do know we’re learning then too though! But definitely more fun!). We enjoyed St Cadoc’s feast day which remember has moved to September from January! A nice prayer service in class and then a fun Talent Show in the gym hall was how we celebrated. We held our auditions in the classroom and lots of people got involved – our class certainly has talent. We also enjoyed Maths Week Scotland, where we were lucky to be visited by Sarah’s mum (and Adam’s) – that was great fun, as well as really interesting, as you can see. That week we also did a few Maths Art activities and explored 2D and 3D shape. Much of our Outdoor Learning this year has been centred on Maths and in particular symmetry. We’ve also had Crazy Hair Day, the Danceathon (raising money for the school, for us really) and the Halloween Disco – like we said, busy busy with lots of variety too. It’s good to get these ‘normal’ things back Mr Burns says after the last few years.

In terms of ‘humdrum’ school life in Maths some of us have been practising our Multiplication and Division whilst others have been exploring Length – drawing, estimating, measuring and converting. Perimeter and Area following on from this. There’s some weight, data analysis and angles coming our way we’ve been told. In Language we’ve been doing some poetry, parts of speech in grammar, some punctuation and sentence practising (we know Mr Burns mentioned that to quite a few of you during the parents’ nights) and a focus on handwriting and general good presentation of all our jotters. Sounds like Mr Burns is not going to let that go so we better just do as he says. We’ve also been doing our usual comprehension / reading strategies with a focus on inference. We understand what Mr Burns is going on about with inference, but it can be tricky at times to write down examples of it when we’re reading. We’ll keep talking about it. In French we’re aiming to build up to basic conversations so watch this space – fluent in no time. October has been the month of the Rosary so we managed to say both the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries and each time one of us got to pick (randomly) for the particular intention of that decade – from memory we had Grandparents, siblings, family as a whole, climate change, Ukraine, World Peace, the faithful departed and the homeless. Umair brought in his prayer beads too which was a good reminder of the similarities between different faiths. We’ve also observed some feast days, such as St Francis (Mr Burns’ favourite for some reason – weird because he doesn’t seem to be an animal lover) and St Jude – the patron saint of Hopeless Cases (another one of Mr Burns’ favourites, useful he says to call upon from time to time). We’re off to St Cadoc’s Church on Tuesday for All Saints so we’re looking forward to that. Diwali has been also so we shared that major Festival with each other. Our Scottish Inventions homework was great, some excellent displays created in school and we enjoyed listening to those that prepared a presentation. We’ve moved onto some Scottish myths and legends now – we thought that the best one (or most unbelievable one) was that Mr Burns was a good teacher…………. In Science we’ve been talking about Classification, mammals, reptiles, amphibians etc and in P.E, a bit of netball / basket ball coupled with fitness games.

That’s about it for now, but before we go a well done to our RRS Ambassadors, Abdurrehman says, “Hi!” and have a go on Sarah’s swing when next passing the MUGA.  Speak again next month. Having fun here and learning. Enjoy the pictures of much of what we’ve mentioned, Mickey too! Thanks.
