Today PC Mitchell very kindly visited Primary 7 to talk about internet safety. We were able to answer and ask questions about our own experience using the internet.
Today PC Mitchell very kindly visited Primary 7 to talk about internet safety. We were able to answer and ask questions about our own experience using the internet.
Throughout Maths Week Primary 7 have been participating in a Maths Week Quiz against other schools in East Renfrewshire. We have had coding challenges, questions about famous mathematician and maths questions to answer too.
Today Primary 7 were absolutely loving building shelters and dens with natural materials. They used their team work, mathematical and engineering skills to ensure they built strong structures. Well done Primary 7, I was so impressed by all of your hard work.
On Thursday we were able to complete a University of Edinburgh live workshop. We were looking at symmetry and learning some cool maths tricks which would allow us to guess any date someone was thinking about.
Primary 7 were challenged on Wednesday to complete an outdoor maths trail. They had to answer a range of calculations and then find the answer which was hidden in the playground. All of the children worked fantastically in teams to complete the Trail.
Primary 7 were looking at natural materials today and what shapes they could make. They were then applying their mathematical and creativity skills to produce some excellent maths art.
Today in maths dodecahedrons were looking at the properties of 3 different triangles. They were investigating the properties of an isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangle. We were using our maths learning journals to record our findings and using peg boards to draw out the different triangles.
Favela is the name given to spontaneous settlements in Brazil. They are found in all the major cities, even the capital of Brazilia. We have been putting our engineering and creativity skills to the test and using different materials to build our own Favela.
Primary 7 have decided to do Brazil as a topic . Today we were researching key facts about Brazil’s Favelas and creatively displaying our information. Here are some of our finished products.
Green-fingered botany lesson on the go first thing today. We have been putting our planting skills to the test. The next challenge will be to water our plants and make sure we keep them healthy.