Welcome Back!

It was so lovely to see the children again after a week off for the October break. We enjoyed hearing about all the things they did during the holiday and they worked hard this week despite being tired from getting back into the school routine. The children wrote wonderful personal recounts of their best day in the October break and I hope that we are able to let you read them soon as you will be very proud!


The children have continued to really enjoy the skipping and playground games that have been introduced at break times in the MUGA. They have learned new skills and developed their social skills as they play together.

This afternoon we all had great fun outside as the class taught me some of their new skipping tricks and some clapping games.

We hope  to do this again next week 🙂


Earlier this week the children used the Chromebooks to develop their skills in handling data. The pupils learned to insert survey results into Excel and create a graph to show the results. The pupils learned about rows, columns and cells and gained an understanding of how we would use these  in real life contexts.

Mr McLaughlin was supporting our class during our ICT time and he was very impressed with how well the class followed instructions and with how quickly they picked up the concepts.

We will have another lesson to further develop our skills in using spreadsheets and showing data next week and we look forward to it.

We enjoyed another live music lesson today which focussed on a new rhythm called ‘ti re te’ and a new skill which was using stick notation. The children were able to repeat and identify a variety of different rhythms and they became more confident with noting the rhythms down using stick notation which is a shorthand way of writing musical phrases.

We are grateful to Mrs Carey who delivers these lessons to us on Google Meet.

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