Talent Show apparently ‘Best Day Ever!’

We had great fun this afternoon with our Talent Show and after show party. Elise and Ailsa organised the acts whilst Harry was the stage manager. A big thank you to Elise’s dad who donated the prizes. Holly came 1st with her pom pom dance. Well done to everyone who took part and it was good to see EVERYONE having fun.

Elise and Ailsa warming up the audience.

Harry, Emma, Olivia and Lewis demonstrated their Arts talents.

James sang 7 years old.

Olivia and Chloe told super jokes.

Holly won with her pom pom dance.

Emma and Holly sing the McDonald’s song.

Soha danced to ‘Believe’

Thomas with his crew ‘Gangman’

Spooky Scary Skeleton dance.




Peter and Harris ‘I Can Boogie’

After show party. Say no more!!

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